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Edited by BigDankEnergy: 7/15/2019 12:43:57 AM

Anyone else notice a surplus of Runes and nothing to do with them?

Now that the Menagerie chest has been patched, I'm collecting an absurd amount of Runes, considering every strike is dropping two of them, and many other activities drop them as well. Some sort of exchange system like the Drifter has with synths would be good to implement now that we can't just offload them into the final Menagerie Chest. I'm glad they fixed the Blind Well bug caused by patching the chest, but this whole Rune system doesn't seem like it was very well thought out. Edit: I'm also glad some of you have collected "way more" runes than I have, this isn't a contest. And yes, as pointed out by some the only brightside to this is that the runes don't take up any actual space in inventory. The only reason I bring it up is because watching them pile up so quickly with no way to use them fast enough is not fun. Before the chest patch, I was struggling to keep enough in my chalice inventory, and had to do tasks to earn Runes and Imperials, which to me made doing strikes and other events more rewarding, since "a rune I really needed finally dropped!" Now I have so many dropping that I'm thinking "really, more runes...??” I really do hope there's a reason to be stockpiling for some sort of upgrades in the future as some are saying, but I'll believe it when I see it.

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  • The majority of the player base doesn’t have time or the will power to run this activity 20-30 times a week. That’s why being able to get the chest multiple times in a single run was so good. They should just limit it to 3 times in the first run through, 2 on the second, and then just 1 until reset. Nice little compromise right? But that just makes too much sense.

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      im stuck with over 80+ peurples runes, 50+ red runes, 30+ green(because of that sweet range masterwork and handcannon) and 70+ blue runes. It is non-sense, bungie should have rewarded 1 chest for each succeded encounter to be honest. They should have made us go through at least 3 full encounter then give the chests. 1 minimum, 4 maximum. good deal but they just patched it up so quickly that they screwed over that gamemode

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    • I haven't done a single run through Menagerie since the patch. The gear isn't any good so why bother? They could have simply made the chest drop only one powerful weapon so you could still farm gear but had to do 3 runs to get all your powerful rewards. Such a shame because it was a fun grind, but now it's a very unrewarding grind.

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      • Yeah. By the time the chalice is perfected you don't need more stuff.

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      • I know right? We should be able to scrap them for imperials towards our rune slots etc. Say like 25 per rune or something

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        3 Replies
        • Yeah I find it hilarious that they buffed the drop rate now that menagerie is dead. Like thanks? At least I get to keep my good memories of good menagerie, bungie can't take that away from me.

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        • I dont care. It doesnt take up any inventory space. Let them pile up.

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        • I'll continue to let them pile up as I won't be doing the menageturd ever again.

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        • They runed the Menagerie. It was better before.

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          • I'm just now getting blue runes. Then again I run more Menagerie than strikes/crucible/anything else.

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          • I just hope they don't start clogging up the Postmaster if we get too many.

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            • I think we should be able to trade them to Werner 99 for shards, materials, glimmer or maybe a boon to buff heroic menagerie sword drops

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              4 Replies
              • it does make the 2nd upgrade for the chalice kinda useless there needs a small nerf in drops for runes

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              • Run the Menagerie with them. Slot them aiming for a weapon that you want with a god roll. If you've used your powerful gear for the week, if you get the god roll, infuse it up. You know, use them the way they're designed to be used across multiple runs. You want that -blam!-in Austringer? Keep running the Menagerie.

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                6 Replies
                • Tsk. Bungie killed that activity. Id love to see the numbers for it

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                • Imagine if you deleted them they convert to cores.

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                • Eventually would've happened. Bungie doesn't update most activities. In a year or so everyone will have plenty stockpiled because everyone will be moving into new things within a couple of seasons. Nothing to be surprised about. It's the same thing for gambit prime synths tokens.

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                • like many mats, once you have used the time to level up and obtain what you want, they just accumulate and have very little value as you cant turn them in for glimmer or other mats. Our economy has always been like this. I have piles of the reckoning tokens that go unused as well.

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                • Spider should do some rune trades. 3 blues for a green, 3 greens for a red, 3 reds for a purple etc.. it can be random but cashing in runes I don’t use for ones I will would be nice.

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                • Edited by Wook-13-e: 7/15/2019 3:02:31 PM
                  look at this way, you can run for anything you want and you dont' have to buy rune finders or even do those treasure hunts anymore. edit: or even waste 80k in glimmer opening all those chests, which if your going for tributes is a blessing in disguise.

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                • Those are rookie numbers OP 😂. I’m disgusted sitting on about 700 total and nothing to use them on (because “a ton of loot” was the biggest marketing lie, just behind “that mountain over there”)

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                • Why exactly does this even matter??? Unless I’m missing the point I’m pretty sure runes don’t take up any space except for where they are stored, which is in the chalice. This post is irrelevant

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                  7 Replies
                  • Patch or not you use them in the menagerie fit powerful gear Perhaps stop thinking so selfishly and use your so called skills to help others do runs

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                  • My purple and reds are at around 200 runes and blues and greens are at around 100. Honestly even after all that run with chests barely got decent rolls. And now that's its 1 chest per run, I'll only run it for fun 1 or 2x then that's it

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                  • Oh you mean you dont want to spend 20 minutes to open up a single chest?

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                    3 Replies
                    • I have between 50-75 of each rune. What a pointless waste of time it was to farm for them.

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