[b]You[/b] have a job irl.
[b]You[/b] spend weeknights playing Destiny 2 after getting kids to go to sleep.
[b]You[/b] are obsessed with finishing end game content even though you have only a couple of hours to play every night .. maybe few more hours on weekends.
[b]You[/b] are decent at - Raids / PvP / Gambit.
[b]You[/b] are interested in getting raids done in reasonable amount of time.
[b]You[/b] are willing to help clan mates and friends achieve pinnacle weapons and more!
^^^ If all the above apply to you - [b]The Power Galactic[/b] = Wants you !
Clan Link - https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=712705
We are a close knit clan and we are looking for raiders, gambit-ers, and pvp-ers.
We also sherpa our clan mates depending on who wants a sherpa/teaching and are overall a chill relaxed and helpful clan. We DO NOT want ragers, quitters and in general cry babies and complainers.
We have certain Discord roles and exclusive chat rooms all members can attain in the group -
[u][i]RAIDS ::[/i][/u]
[b]Moment of Speed[/b] - All members KWTD in raids and have completed every Destiny 2 raid to date.
[u][i]PVP ::[/i][/u]
[b]Shaxxy[/b] - All members attain pinnacle weapons in pvp each season and in general are pvp folks with a higher skill level amongst clan mates
[i][u]GAMBIT ::[/u][/i]
[b]Shadows of Yor[/b] - Gambit Sweats. Have specific roles for Gambit and Prime- have full Tier 3 armor sets and perks - looking for more gambit players right now!
We have only 5 rules for this fight club -
1. Be respectful
2. Be helpful
3. Be awesome to each other
4. Aspire to become a stellar raider/pvp/gambit player!
5. Must join our Discord
[i]HOW TO JOIN?[/i]
Reply to this post with age and timezone
Every week. Sometimes at least 3-4 raid events on bng app. All members are welcome to make raid events and all events are first come first serve.
Join clan > Join Discord > Get to know us > Request for a Sherpa run!
mic check, mic check - old
I’d like to join! I’m 20 and live on the west coast(states). I have discord and play frequently.