The deflecting aspect of the super needs to drain more energy than it currently does. I was in a comp match and popped my dawnblade at the same time as the arcstrider he deflected every blade and killed me, my team mate activated his dawnblade had his super fully deflected, and the hunter still had enough energy to spam his attacks and kill him and one other.
No, this isn't an instance of "oh it killed me it's over powered and needs to be nerfed to the ground" this is just stating that the energy drain rate for using the special aspect of this super is too low and needs to be balanced.
My idea is maybe be able to deflect one full super if you popped at the same time or after but not enough for what happened above.
Edit: This should be a discussion on your thoughts about this super specifically. All classes have aspects about them that should be rebalanced.
Edited by Arthur Morgan’s Lungs: 7/4/2019 1:28:56 AMImagine that, another person who doesn’t play Hunter calling for a nerf 🙄. I have never thought a post needed downvoted as much as I believe this one should be.