The deflecting aspect of the super needs to drain more energy than it currently does. I was in a comp match and popped my dawnblade at the same time as the arcstrider he deflected every blade and killed me, my team mate activated his dawnblade had his super fully deflected, and the hunter still had enough energy to spam his attacks and kill him and one other.
No, this isn't an instance of "oh it killed me it's over powered and needs to be nerfed to the ground" this is just stating that the energy drain rate for using the special aspect of this super is too low and needs to be balanced.
My idea is maybe be able to deflect one full super if you popped at the same time or after but not enough for what happened above.
Edit: This should be a discussion on your thoughts about this super specifically. All classes have aspects about them that should be rebalanced.
It’s because you used attacks and that drains your super. They Aldo could’ve had raiju’s harness, which makes it so it doesn’t consume energy when guarding
u suck LOL
Maybe dont attack him with it? It already only lasts 9 seconds... That is short enough.
You literally saw the deflection and still attacked... That’s entirely your fault. Nothing to see here folks, just another person complaining.
Edited by Smough: 7/4/2019 2:15:23 AMI honestly can’t tell if this is satire or not... either way not gonna lie dawnblade (the super you likely use) needs a nerf way more than arcstrider. [quote]No, this isn’t an instance of “Oh it killed me it’s over powered and needs to be nerfed to the ground.”[/quote] Well actually that’s exactly what this is. I mean imagine complaining about the length of a super while you’re using a super Ive seen last up to nearly a full minute.
Pro tip from a not so pro player: DON'T SHOOT A BLOCKING SUPER IT WONT END WELL FOR YOU! You have summoned me.
You should stop deflecting and be flinched after a certain (albeit high) damage number. In your case with dawnblade, I think it would be reasonable to have 2-3 swords break the deflection. It’s not broken as is, it’s just annoying to be an ultimate counter to projectile roaming supers.
Edited by Arthur Morgan’s Lungs: 7/4/2019 1:28:56 AMImagine that, another person who doesn’t play Hunter calling for a nerf 🙄. I have never thought a post needed downvoted as much as I believe this one should be.
Edited by Docyx13: 7/2/2019 3:48:59 PMThat's a huge no. That drain already burns super like crazy. It takes your kill count from like 4-5 down to like 1-2. Plus it takes way more skill and patience to even pull off what that guy did. Good on him.
Edited by BlueKiBlast: 7/2/2019 8:40:34 PMIt definitely is fine as is no need to nerf or change it. It's your fault, you see him in his super twirling like a maniac then you dawnblade at the ground where he will walk or fly away. Stop making complaints after one encounter no one runs arcstrider like that to begin with.
I honestly think the super could have been something completely different than, let me just block attacks. I would have rather seen a ranged super like throwing Arc Javelins. Every class with the exception of arcstrider has some form of ranged super. Golden gun, dawnblade, nova bomb, sentinel, void trapper, hammer titan, yeet/panic titan, kamehameha warlock. Hunter Arc class is missing a ranged super and it sucks. I find myself hardly ever using the arc super because i just thinks its boring since every tree is the same. Give me a super that lets me pretend I'm Zeus and I'll go to town throwing lightning bolts at thrall and guardians alike.
It's fine as it is.