[i]For those just tuning in the link to Pt 1 is above. Special thanks to Oddish and Venom Sprinter for writing with me. Disclaimer I own no Bungie stuff. Now let's begin![/i]
Malex woke up the morning after the play in his quarters. This was his last day of R&R. Tomorrow he would go back to the war against the Shadows of Yor. But today he figured he would just rest. He was about to go back to sleep when he heard a knock on his door. He got out of bed and opened the door.
Malex: Oh, hi Lillie
Lillie: (looks up at him) Good morning Mr. Malex. Mr. Oddish wants you to come and visit with us in class today
Malex: He does huh?
Lillie nodded.
Malex: (sighs) Whelp, I guess I better come along then huh?
Lillie: Uh huh (scampers off to class)
Peacemaker: Looks like you have plans today Malex
Malex: Oh shut up, little light
Peacemaker: Malex I hate it when you call me that and you know it!
Malex: (chuckles) Yeah, that's why I call you it
Malex put on his blue jeans, boots, plain grey t-shirt, and gunbelt. He eased The Last Word into it's holster and walked out the door. As he walked out into the courtyard on his way to visit the kinderguardians, he heard a familiar bark.
Malex: Is that? (turns around)
At that moment a big German Shepherd jumped him and began licking him
Malex: Ajax! Good to see you boy!
Ajax howled in delight to see his owner. He sprinted circles around Malex jumping on him from all sides. Malex tried in vain to grab him and hold him, laughing all the way. The dog was so excited his tail was wagging a million times a minute! But the happy time was about to be cut short.
Rika: Ajax! Where did you...oh, hi Malex
Malex: (looks up at her) Rika
At that moment a big Titan walked up to them
Titan: Hey babe, who's the twerp?
Malex: What did he just call me!?
Rika: Settle down Malex, this is Greg. My boyfriend
Malex: Your what now?
Greg: Oh so this is Malex huh? Can't say I'm impressed. So what are you doing with my dog?
Malex: YOUR dog!? (blinks a few time) Wait, is that my hat?
Greg: (takes off the cowboy hat) It used to be (lights up a cigar)
Malex: Is that one of my Cigars!?
Greg: Calm down Malex it's not that big of a deal
Malex: Not that big of a deal!? I went off to war and this is my thanks!? You know what? I have to go back tomorrow and I'm taking my stuff with me.
Greg: Oh yeah?
Malex: (Lights up a cigar) Yeah
Greg was huge, even for a Titan. He was a little bit buffer than Zavala but not quite as buff as Oddish. Either way, Malex was a gunslinger, so most Titans are buffer than him. But Malex didn't care. He took a big puff of his cigar and blew it into Gregory's face
Greg: (coughs) What the?
Malex used this time to punch him in the face. Hard. The big Titan fell on his butt. Malex drew his gun and hit Greg over the head with it, knocking the Titan out. Malex holstered his gun and took back his pack of cigars. He then took his cowboy hat off the Titans head. He put it on and tilted it at Rika.
Malex: Mornin Ma'am (walked away)
Ajax looked at Rika, looked at Greg, and ran after Malex.
Rika: Ajax! Come here!
Ajax just ran to Malex's side faster
[i]In The Kinderguardian Classroom[/i]
Oddish: Lillie, did you get Malex?
Lillie: He should be coming Mr. Oddish
Malex: (Walks into the classroom) Sorry I'm late everyone!
Oddish: Oh it's no problem. If you could just leave your gun on the rack?
Malex looked at him like he just lost his mind
Oddish: I guess not then
Malex: Nope (sits down in a chair)
Oddish: Alright then, class today we're going to be training with your favorite guardian! I have a list of names here that you all can choose from. What you'll do is...
Lillie and Ricardo run over to Malex
Oddish: Okay then I guess they just chose
Petra: (Raises her hand)
Oddish: Yes sweetie?
Petra: Can I go with you daddy?
Oddish: Actually I'd like you to go with Malex
Malex: Wait, what?
Oddish: It'll be a good experience for you to learn from another class of guardian. If that's alright with you Malex
Malex: Sure I guess
Petra: Do I have to Daddy?
Oddish: Yes sweetie
[i]Later, Over the EDZ[/i]
Ricardo: So what are we gonna do today Mr. Malex?
Malex: I figure we'll just walk around and do some patrols
Petra: Some lesson
They all transmatt down to the surface. Growler, Petra's pet timber wolf, glared at Ajax. Ajax glared back, Malex hoped the two big dogs would get along. The group walked down the trail that led to a little village where Malex stayed a few times. They were nice people and Malex wanted the little ones to learn the importance of relating to the people you protect. When they got there, Malex was shocked by what he saw. The village was up in flames and the people he cared about were dead. The kinders closed their eyes and grouped around him. Malex wrapped them all in a big hug.
Lillie: (crying) Who would do this Mr. Malex!?
Malex: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out...
[i]To be Continued[/i]
Part 28: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/252738834
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