So, I know that only a couple of people have fought in OAFL fights so far. However, those few can 100% attest to the fact that my system is broken, flawed, and confusing. So, I have devised a much simpler way to engineer loadouts, checks, and skills. Stay tuned, because this is a TON of information flying at you, and it’s better to take this nice and slow.
First up is the way attributes are being tweaked, as they are in the most need of a fix.
[spoiler]So, before, attributes were arbitrarily focused. There wasn’t much of a way to determine which fighter had the advantage in what field. Speaker (our lovable friend of the Deep) gave me some ideas about fixing this that I will be taking into account, along with some modifications of my own.
The new stats (no longer attributes because that takes way too long to type out) are as follows:
Quick thing before I explain what they do: when I say “innate”, I mean “without effects and enchantments and such from a fighter’s weapons, armor, magic, etc.” The stats are supposed to be your starting point for determining everything from health to damage.
[u][b]Strength[/b][/u] - Strength governs a fighter’s [i]innate[/i] power of all physical melee attacks. Swords, daggers, maces, whatever, they are all governed by Strength. Strength also governs how strong the fighter is, and whether they are able to do things like lift pillars, throw people, etc. Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Strength, the more damage they will deal with melee attacks.
[u][b]Dexterity[/b][/u] - Dexterity governs a fighter’s [i]innate[/i] power of all physical ranged attacks. Bows, crossbows, kunai, whatever, they are all governed by Dexterity. Dexterity also governs how acrobatic a fighter is, and whether they are able to run on walls, do flips, etc. Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Dexterity, the more damage they will deal with ranged attacks.
[u][b]Faith[/b][/u] - Faith governs a fighter’s [i]innate[/i] power of all magical attacks. Enchantments on weapons, fireballs, and even illusions are governed by Faith. Because of its applicability across both melee and ranged attacks, Faith has no secondary utility. Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Faith, the more damage they will deal with magical effects.
[u][b]Spirit[/b][/u] - Spirit governs a fighter’s [i]innate[/i] defenses against magical attacks and effects. Spirit reduces things like damage from magical attacks and duration from offensive magical enchantments. For example, a fighter with high Spirit may entirely avoid magical attacks meant to inflict some sort of magical ailment like Confusion, Berserk, etc. Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Spirit, the less damage they will take from magical attacks and the less effective magical effects will be on them.
[u][b]Constitution[/b][/u] - Constitution governs a fighter’s [i]innate[/i] defenses against physical attacks and effects. Constitution will reduce damage from normal attacks, as well as reduce the effectiveness of non-magical ailments like poison, paralysis, etc. Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Constitution, the less damage they will take from non-magical attacks and the less effective non-magical ailments will be on them.
[u][b]Reaction[/b][/u] - Reaction governs both general speed and reaction speed. Fighters with high Reaction will be able to make multiple attacks per turn (from the general speed buff), and be able to take reactions in smaller windows than most fighters (from the reaction speed buff). Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Reaction, the faster they can move.
What’s more, the stupid focusing system is out. I got a new system for you guys, and this time, it’s much simpler!
Every fighter, every single one, will start with [b]60 Stat Points[/b]. You can allot these Stat Points to each Stat as you see fit. [b]Keep in mind that a stat of 10 is average, with a completely neutral modifier. Any higher, and you begin getting better and better at the area that stat covers, with positive modifiers to the checks associated with that stat. Any lower, and you begin getting worse and worse at the area that stat covers, with negative modifiers to the checks associated with that stat.[/b] For example, a fighter with 10 in every stat is completely average in every field, and their attacks are completely left up to their execution.[/spoiler]
Health, damage, and defense are being reworked, too.
[spoiler]Your fighter’s total health is now determined by this formula:
[quote]40 + ([Your Constitution stat] - 10)[/quote]
The reason for the base of 40 is so every fighter has some modicum of health and so numbers have wiggle room. The Constitution stat is having 10 subtracted from it to incentivize fighters who want more health to allot more points to Constitution.
The damage of a [i]full, unblocked strike[/i] is calculated as follows (remember, damage calculation can be tweaked by a GM to account for specific occurrences and circumstances within each fight):
For physical melee attacks:
[quote]3 + ([Your Strength stat] / 2)[/quote]
The 3 is there to give some sort of base, so anyone who lands a hit can still deal some damage, but it doesn’t give a huge bonus to fighters with higher Strength. I’m dividing the Strength stat by 2 and adding that to serve as the damage modifier that will come from your Strength.
For physical ranged attacks:
[quote]3 + ([Your Dexterity stat] / 2)[/quote]
The same reasoning is used here as was used when calculating physical melee attack damage, except replace “Strength” with “Dexterity”. However, I have good news for people who like ranged attacks: there is no longer any cap on ranged ammunition.
For magical melee attacks:
[quote]([Your Faith stat] / 2) + (([Your Strength stat] / 4) - 3)[/quote]
This one is a little more complicated than the previous ones. There is no base damage because magical attacks are completely determined by your own casting ability and your ability to wield the magic. Faith plays the largest role in damage, while Strength plays a small role. The reason the total of the Strength stat being divided by 4 is being subtracted from 3 is to give some sort of motivation to increase your Strength higher than 10 if you are going to be using magical melee attacks.
For magical ranged attacks:
[quote]([Your Faith stat] / 2) + (([Your Dexterity stat] / 4) - 3)[/quote]
This uses the same reasoning as was used when calculating magical melee attack damage, except replace “Strength” with “Dexterity”.
Damage is neutered by a fighter’s innate defense in these ways (remember, a GM may tweak defensive properties according to the circumstances of each fight):
Defending against a physical attack:
[quote][Total damage calculated] - ([Your Constitution stat] / 3)[/quote]
If the final result of calculating using the equation above results in a total less than 1, then that total is disregarded and the final damage of the attack is 1. The reason the Constitution score is being divided by 2 is to give attacking fighters a fair chance of breaking past your innate defenses.
Defending against a magical attack:
[quote][Total damage calculated] - ([Your Spirit score] / 3)[/quote]
The same caveat and reasoning as was used when calculating defense against a physical attack was used here, except replace “Constitution” with “Spirit”.
Unfortunately, due to the damage already being reduced so much by innate defenses, armor and other outside defenses will mitigate damage slightly, not a huge amount. However, your outside defenses will negate/mitigate by a constant amount, to be determined by me when you post your loadout. This is to keep the system fair.[/spoiler]
Reaction times are going to be reworked a little bit as well, as a result of all the above changes.
[spoiler]So, in each fight, no longer will the challenged move first. The GM will flip a coin (using Google or Siri or an actual coin), with each fighter calling what will land. Whoever is correct will move first. From then on, reaction time is determined by the GM. Generally speaking, whoever has the higher Reaction stat will move faster, though if both have relatively high Reaction stats, then the GM may have both actions occur at the same time. As always, and this is especially true when dealing with Reaction, the GM may modify any aspects of the fight to fit the circumstances.[/spoiler]
Also changing the way building loadouts and gaining ranks work.
[spoiler]So, here's the deal: you can have as many weapons and/or armor as you want. I don't care. My only requirement for that is that you keep it reasonable and believable. For magic attacks and defenses, you must list them all and list them very specifically. No pulling tricks out of thin air. However, any special effects/enchantments/whatever of each weapon/armor will count as one Ability. You may only have 5 Abilities. Also, you may have a separate ability called an Ult: Ults are insanely powerful abilities that can only be used once per battle, no exceptions.
As a result of these limitations, the ranking system is going to change as well. Each new rank acquired will grant an additional 4 Stat Points you may allot to your stats however you wish. In the future, I may decide that the higher ranks grant additional Ability slots, though that is not yet set in stone.[/spoiler]
[b]So, with that out of the way, can every fighter please tweak their loadout and post the new version here so that every loadout is still using the same system? Please track Outer Animal, theme song, appearance, loadout, and rank on your post as well.[/b]
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