(Note: If you haven't read at least Season 3 of Antares then you won't know what's going on here. If you want a link to all of those chapters then click the "Antares" tag. Also, I have a discord channel that gives off much Lore for characters. If you have discord and are interested in this story, I can send a link.)
(The Singularity, Level 1, starting with Group 1. Ronin wakes up on a cold metal floor after being warped from Antares. His mind fuzzy and body aching as he lifts himself up, examining his location with his eyes and spotting Artemis lying on the ground right beside him with 6 other unfamiliar faces.)
(Trying to wake up Artemis, Ronin pokes her on the cheek and pushes her shoulder but she is unresponsive. Stretching his arms and legs, Ronin examines the dark metal room further as his memory slowly comes back to him.)
Ronin: *holding his head with one hand as he slowly walks around the room in pain*. "Yeah.....This is definitely the singularity. It's all coming back to me now."
(Walking towards a large metal door that appears to be the only obvious exit out unless taking drastic measures, Ronin pulls on the door handle but it's locked tight like a vault door. After much effort to try and open the door, Ronin gives up and flips a switch on the side of the wall, turning on a bright overhead light in the room that starts to wake up the other sleeping players.)
Orcinus: *jumps up from the ground after his eyes open, freaking out slightly as his memory is foggy*. "Woah! What the hell is this?! Crap..... I've been captured again..."
Pyrus: *slaps Orcinus across the face*. "You got us captured?! I knew it, I never should have joined you on that treasure hunt. Are we even still on Phobos?"
Orcinus: *raises his fist at Pyrus*. "Hey man, how many times do I have to tell you about touching my face..."
Ronin: "Hey!......You two are from Phobos?". *Ronin asks curiously as he approaches the two strangers*
Pyrus: *nods back at Ronin*. "Uh, yeah. Who are you exactly?"
Ronin: "My name is Ronin. My background is a long story that you wouldn't understand."
Pyrus: "Tsk, uh, okay then."
Artemis: *sits up on the ground, rubbing her eyes as if she just woke up from a long sleep*. "Ugh.... Ronin..."
Ronin: *quickly kneels down beside Artemis, providing his assistance*. "Don't worry, we're still okay. For now."
Orcinus: *glances at Pyrus with a lenny face*. "So Ronin, who's your lady friend?"
Ronin: *glares towards the ground at Orcinus's feet*. "Her name is Artemis and she is apart of my soul..."
Orcinus: *shrugs*. "I don't follow but alright, I guess that makes sense then."
Ronin: *helps Artemis to her feet*. "We haven't properly introduced ourselves yet. I suppose we will wait until everyone is awake."
Pyrus: *nods agreeingly*. "That seems reasonable."
(Some time passes and Ronin, Artemis, Orcinus, and Pyrus speak while waiting for the rest of the 4 players to wake up. Ronin and Artemis have regained their memory of the past but as for everyone else..... I'm afraid the singularity affects are just like asterisk and the memories of a past life have faded heavily for the others, only fragments remain.)
(Now that all 8 players are awake and in an understanding that none are threats to one another, they introduce themselves to each other and Ronin begins explaining where exactly they are within the realms.)
Pyre: *rolls her eyes*. "Hmph, you wouldn't find it odd at all that you are so aware of things Ronin? That's unsettling for us if I'm being honest."
Bucky: "I agree with Pyre. We don't know what the hell is going on so this Ronin dude could be anyone."
Ronin: *sighs heavily*. "You've gotta be shitting me, this is the last thing I need right now..."
Hammer: "...."
Bucky: *steps up on Ronin, examining his gear*. "Nice stuff you've got there, would be a shame if you suddenly weren't alive any more."
Ronin: *grabs Bucky's neck with insane speed, pulling his hooded face up to his own*. "Don't fùck with me.....I can slaughter all of you with ease if I want..."
Bucky: *pulls away from Ronin's grip as Ronin lets up, adjusting his undershirt*. "Whatever you say fella. Just know that you've got eyes on you at all times."
Ronin: *grabs Artemis, keeping her away from the others and close to himself*. "I don't care, you will see that the divine are a much bigger problem for us here."
Orcinus: *staring at Ronin curiously*. "Where exactly is here?"
Ronin: "Level 1 of the singularity. Only problem we have right now is that we can't exit this room."
Pyrus: *chuckles*. "How foolish of you to assume we are stuck! There is clearly a vent on the ceiling of this room, but I can see how you would miss it as the light in the room does not reach it."
Orcinus: *pats Pyrus on the back*. "You go man, always being a leader."
Ronin: "Be my guest then, exit through the vent. You've got it all figured out, let's just hope Orion isn't already tracking us."
Pyre: "Who's Orion? Isn't that like a constellation?"
Ronin: "Heh, we'll just have to wait and see."
(The Singularity, top level, lounge room.)
Ruby: *sitting on a white couch made of an unknown soft material. Sitting there with butterflies in her stomach as she has just defied Caius behind his back*. "...."
Reign-Beaux: *sneaks up behind Ruby, shape of the face on his mask changing to that of an even more evil and demonic smile*. "Hello Ruby. You've been busy, heheh."
(As Ruby tries to get up from the couch to walk away, not wanting to talk to Reign as she does not like him, Reign grabs her shoulder from behind and forces her body back down on to the couch. Stopping her from moving as he walks around the couch and stands in front of her.)
Reign-Beaux: *towering over Ruby with a dark aura resonating from his body*. "Caius isn't here right now to protect you, let's have a few words shall we?"
Ruby: *holds herself with her arms, trying not to look at Reign*. "Okay...."
Reign-Beaux: *leans in towards Ruby, mask almost pressing against her face*. "Don't think I am not aware of what you're up to. You have no idea who you're messing with you stupid little girl...."
Ruby: *pushes her head against the back of the couch, trying to get as far away from Reign as possible*. "..."
Reign-Beaux: *laughs menacingly*. "Don't worry I won't tell Caius, he always sucks all the life out of parties."
(Patting Ruby's head, Reign leans back away from Ruby and walks away towards the exit of the room.)
Reign-Beaux: *glances back towards Ruby*. "If your waste of skin friends even manage to get past Orion, I'll be there waiting for them. Oh, the joy I will have as I slowly rip away the life from their bodies....heh. Once they're dead, I've got a lot of plans for you.....Ruby..."
(As Reign exits the room, Ruby breathes a sigh of relief and then quickly steps up from the couch, planning to look for wherever Michael is at.)
(End of Part 1)
Edited by Bat (Timelost): 6/18/2019 2:02:46 AMA noice Bump. Gg Ronin for securing the untrusted protagonist position.