Sheriff's Department: Taking A Bath With The Bois (Part One)
[spoiler]click b8? Maybe a little[/spoiler]
[quote][b]On a warm summer night Bop and Pyrus knock on the door to Lee's house, which is on a hill covered with white flowers. A woman with cat ears and tail opens the door[/b][/quote]
Pyrus: Hiya!
Raphtalia: *rubbing her eyes* Ugh, you know Lee is trying to sleep, right? Go to his office in working hours
*Raphtalia slams the door but bop catches it with his foot and yelps in pain*
Bopsheezi: Ow! Good Lord you're strong!
Pyrus: Lee told us to meet us here at this time.
Raphtalia: *sigh* Lee! You've got company!
[quote][b]Lee leaves his bedroom and rubs his eyes[/b][/quote]
Lee: Ugh.... Who?
Raphtalia: These two
[quote][b]Bop and Pyrus peer through the door with ":D" as thier face expression[/b][/quote]
Lee: Oh crap, I forgot! Alright go back to bed, I'm going out for a stroll
Raphtalia: At 2 A.M?
Lee: Yeah... We're going to.... Uh... Smoke weed! Yeah!
Raphtalia: what?
Pyrus: Huh?
Bop: [b][i]HELL YEAH[/i][/b]
Lee: Bye!
Raphtalia: W-wait!
[quote][b]So Lee, Bop and Pyrus Set off for the garden which is nearby the house. In the midst of thier walk they decide to spark conversation[/b][/quote]
Bop: So, this garden, does it have marijuana?
Lee: No! That shit is outlawed here!
Bop: So no weed? *Bop looks saddened*
Pyrus: Why'd you lie to Raphtalia then?
Lee: I needed a cover-up. Last time involved this light crusader stuff with my family, things went down hill.
Bop: What family?
[quote][b]Lee stops walking and stares at the floor. His black cowboy hat covered his face[/b][/quote]
Lee: Nevermind, let's keep going. We need to get that mark off you.
*Pyrus looks down his shirt and sees the claw mark from Zara growing larger*
Pyrus: its getting bigger...
Lee: Please don't talk about your bone-
Pyrus: No, my mark dummy!
*Bop looks down his back and sees it growing larger*
Bop: Oh no...
Lee: Quick! We need to hurry!
Bop: No shit!
[quote][b]As Lee, Bop, and Pyrus run to the garden, a strange figure follows.[/b][/quote]
[quote][b]The group reaches a black gate with over grown vines with white flowers on it. Lee opens it and they see a vast forest, with fields over SOUL flowers, ponds and a cave at the very end[/b][/quote]
Pyrus: Wow...
Bop: This place... It's really something. I can feel the light radiating here
Lee: About three months of work, blood, sweat, and shit ton of miracle grow went into it. It's even got some-
[quote][b]A glowing white dear sprints in front of the group fades behind a tree[/b][/quote]
Lee: -animals.
Pyrus: That wasn't an ordinary dear
Bop: Yeah, no shit
Lee: It's from the light realm. In a way, these flowers hold a gateway to the light realm.
Pyrus: Kinda like minecraft
Lee: ?
Bop: What? How?
Pyrus: Because... Shit I lost my train of thought
*Lee points to the cave*
Lee: That's where we need to go, come on.
[quote][b]They arrive into cave and see a huge pool of glowing white water[/b][/quote]
Bop: So... Bath time?
Lee: Uh i guess you could call it that
Pyrus: Shit man! You should have told me! I would have brought my rubber ducky, Dick!
Lee: Dick the Duck?
Pyrus: hehe, dick duck
Bop: I expected more from you, pyrus
[quote][b]Bop takes out his bag and dumps rubber ducks into to the glowing water[/b][/quote]
Bop: I always keep at least 5 on me!
Pyrus: *gasps* Can I play with one!
Bop: No.
Pyrus: >:(
Lee: *deep breath* Ok, just a fair warning, your skin cells might shatter when you get in. But they should feel refreshed when you get out
Bop: Ruh-roh...
(To Be Continued...)
[spoiler]ran out of time today[/spoiler]
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