In the spire at the center of the Underworld, the Usurper Nil sits upon her frozen throne, utterly bored. "I wish the Speaker of that gluttonous mass of filth was more specific on the details of what I am not to interfere in..." Her attention turns to the mirror that contains the true Nils soul, now concealed beneath a curtain of spider silk after the Xombie escaped with the witches body.
"You've been awfully quiet lately, [b][i]mother[/i][/b]." She glides toward the mirror and reaches for the curtain, but pauses when she hears a faint whispering voice too low to make out the words. The Usurper rips the curtain down and takes a step back, confused by waht she sees. There Nil sits on the ground, legs crossed and head bowed, not in a reflection of the chamber, but in utter darkness.
The true Nil -blam!- her head to the side and stares up at the Usurper, not with eyes, but with two bottomless pits, and whispers, "Do you ever think about before?"
The Usurper narrows her eyes, "Your illusions do not frighten me, witch." Nil winces and looks back to her hands, "Oh no, you wouldn't. We didn't remember either when we made you. We locked that part of us away in a dream and never slept again..."
"Before there were eyes to be blinded by colors, ears to be deafened by noises, and these awful feelings of pleasure and joy and pain and sorrow... Before light and dark, before life, death, and time...back when we were alone in our lack of existence. When we slept."
The Usurper opens her mouth to speak, but is interrupt by Nil gripping her head with both clawed hands, "[b]QUIET![/b] Your thoughts are so [b]LOUD[/b]!" Nil stands, body jerking in unnatural ways, "We just wanted things to be the way they were..." She whispers, dragging her claws down her face leaving cracks into the darkness around her.
"The Godlings fought us and locked us away in a dream and we were content... As long as she was awake. Then you made her sleep!" Nil tears more of herself away.
The Usurper watches, emotionless, "Whatever your game is here, I am the Goddess of Death. You are nothing to me."
Something between a laugh and a sob escapes the mirror Nils mouth, "Nothing, yes. I want nothing. I want to sleep again..." She raises a hand and places it on the mirror before the Usurper...and it cracks.
[spoiler]Its 4am and this is a thing that popped into my head so bleh.
Good night....morning?[/spoiler]
Edited by Unseelie Nil: 4/7/2021 6:37:02 AMThis is still shit
*stirs coffee slowly* Good night sweet lady....may flights of devils wing thee to thy rest...
[url=]Go back to sleep[/url]
Am I dreaming?
What’s the character/word limit?
[quote]Her attention turns to the mirror that contains the true Nils soul, now concealed beneath a curtain of spider silk[/quote]Lewd.
... Tbb this is better reading material then most classic books... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
Hmmmmm XOMBIE I SUMMON THEEE 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Interesting, very interesting. If only I had a conveniently placed portal to the underworld, but alas I do not have such a thing. Ohh, I’ve always wanted to use alas in a sentence.
I’m not a reader so imma wait for the movie version.
Edited by The Spoken: 6/8/2019 3:54:44 PM[quote]*the speaker walks through a smoking rift that fills the court with a thick and odorous stench* he is followed by the twin gorgons of the deep, horrid and vile cephalopodian nightmares with the figures of siren women beneath their long grotesque tentacular hair*[/quote] "My queen, I seek an audience" the Speaker lifts a golden tear drop shaped crystal. From his robes. Another soul of immense power... he withdraws it. "And fondest regards to your wretched prisoner" [spoiler]*The Speaker grins*[/spoiler]
When I heard “mother”: Cicero: “Oh, but how can I defend you? How can I exert your will? If you will not speak? To anyone!"
Thank you Nil, very cool!
You have a scary mind my lady.
Pretty cool!
Wonderful !!!! [spoiler]Having sleeping problems still? Wish you luck. [/spoiler]