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Edited by The Spoken: 6/7/2019 12:52:27 AM

Chapter 6: Meanwhile, On the Verdant Fields of Offtopic...

[quote]Chapter 6 On the verdant fields of Offtopic, Watson lunched on an with his niece. “Uncle, your letting your bagel get away…” He fumbled the bagel as he jerked back to the world, had he been dreaming? “Uncle…” She scolded him lightheartedly as she wiped the schmear from his pant leg. “Oh, it’s nothing, it’s just, I thought I heard someone whispering” She giggled with faux derision. “Uncle you’re the one who told me to beware of whispers; are you going daffy?” she held his face and checked him, making him groan. “Oh stop it” he shooed her away. It was just the wind. [/quote] [quote]“Uncle, I want you to be at my birthday this weekend, Armand and I would be delighted to have you!” “Oh, please, old man like me?” “That’ll be enough out of you, you must go.” “Agh, why not.” He hugged him and he hugged her. She had always been his favorite.[/quote] [quote]“Uncle…” Watson was disturbed by the frightened look on his nieces face, she was looking into the sky behind them. “Uncle what is it?” Watson whirled around to see a dark cloud forming in the sky, lightning of infernal power coursed through the sky, something was stirring in the weft of reality… “Clara go-“[/quote] [b][i][u]VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG[/u][/i] [/b] [quote]A massive tear in reality formed from the skies, and a massive creature of wormilike shape began reaching through… Watson heard a familiar screaming in his mind and Clara felt it too, the gripped there heads in pain. “You are fooood… you are father… and son and mother and daughter… come and rest your wearied head in my aaaaaarmmsssssss… I will give you comfooooort… I will give you releaaaaaaassssseee… bask in your futile existence… embrace me fatherrrrrrrr… embrace meee motheeeeerrrrr… embrace meeeeeeeeeee, chiiiiiiiiillllllllldd… IIIIIIIII HUuuuuuuunnggeerrrrrrrrr….”[/quote] [quote]Watson stared at the giant Deep Anchor reaching through the rift in between worlds. Clara was still clutching her head as she gazed in horror at the terrible sight. Loud cries of skittering beasts, and the distant drumming of war drums met their ears; they heard the distant drone of air raid sirens and alarms of all kinds coming from the city of Offtopic. “It appears we will have to continue later, dearest Clara…” he unstrapped his teleporter and strapped it to his still shivering and shocked niece. He tapped, the button and she teleported back to her home. [/quote] [quote]Watson unsheathed his sword and summoned his shield, and began jogging towards the fray. “And here I was having such a nice picnic..”[/quote]

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