It's a relatively calm night in the land of Offtopic, all things considered. The people are out and about enjoying the evening. Shopping, dining, celebrating, or simply enjoying a quiet evening at home.
On a street corner, a Bard plays a happy tune on her violin for pocket change. Then she stops mid song with a look of confusion on her face. She plays a few more ear piercing notes before beginning a new, slower song.
A moment later the streets are filled with the screams of panicking citizens and hordes of ravenous undead!
So, brave heroes (and villains too, I guess.) of Offtopic: What would you like to do?
[b][u]Big Update[/u]:[/b]
Thanks to combined efforts of Robo Owl, Cmirg, and ImaDrizzit, the illusion is broken. The undead raging in the streets and the bodies of those slain are revealed to have been normal people all along...
The Song screeches to a halt and the illusion fades.
Then a new Song begins to play...the earth begins to rumble and a large crack begins to appear... Spewing a cold mist into the streets.
Two more cracks appear as the first crack grows large enough to allow Lesser Demons through!
With the final Bard dealt with, the Song ends, the Fissures close, and the hordes of demons are banished. The streets are filled with the bodies of the lost and the cries of the mourning. In the Underworld, Nil clutches a small red gem containing the nine hundred and eighty three souls of those lost in the incident...and smiles as she thinks of how many lives were ended by the heroes they depended on to protect them.
My question is which DM thought they weren’t going to get this type of mischief when allowing NIL to play a Bard! #bardmasterofmischief #doihaveasignalyet?
Nil is just trying to start her own Deep Saga lol
Edited by The Spoken: 5/29/2019 2:32:12 AM*The Speaker, turns his eyes to the realm of offtopic, "ahhhh... the queen arrives at last..." *Speaker clutches the long thin box from the cloaked man and marvels at its black sheen... he lays it in the vault and spins, stalking excitedly; laughing beneath his oily mask out of the vault. He taps the console at the causeway and the vault door seals and the behemoth vault lazily turns hiding its contents in a sea of identical vault doors Turning away he looks to the darkness and carefully draws the Razor of Dark Truths from the air* "On to glorious battle then, my queen, I do not fear that you are expecting me" He walks slowly, savoring the anticipation of evil deeds as he makes he way along the dark causeway. "I [i]relish[/i] the thought of battling you and proving the power of the Deep... and I will not be destroyed" As he walks, the cloned Neko's in the metropolis of prison habitats, inside suddenly feel themselves itching, irritating burning... burning up. They begin to panic; as one by one the Nekos burst into dark flame, burning alive as they scream. Their agonized souls bursting through one of the many vault doors and flying to the Speaker on his causeway. He holds the concentrated light of the collective presence of 3,000,000 in his hand... "But I will enjoy this game... great one. Accept a gift... ...for the damages" *Speaker tears open a rift with a roaring upward strike... "I've been waiting for this...." *speaker drops through the air into offtopic a Begins hacking and slashing his way through through the forces of NIL; Offtopian and other; He fights his way towards the bulk of the terrors of NIL and the fighting offtopians. He stops to observe the battle. His two elite Deep Gorgons rise from the shadows beside him. He whispers one word to them and- [spoiler]Ahhhhhh shit I showed up late, God damnit![/spoiler]
Did you select your own comment as the best answer. . .
*grabs megaphone.* EVERYONE STOP KILLING! THESE AREN’T REALLY ZOMBIES! THEY ARE PEOPLE! *Hands our vials of chemicals.* THESE TURN THEM BACK TO NORMAL! [spoiler]proof [/spoiler]
I was right not to trust you.
I shall bring ruin to them.
Edited by Solargeo: 5/28/2019 11:15:11 PMOh never mind
Now that the chaos has ended I collect the essence that was extracted by my chemicals. I go to my lab to study them.
Woah wait, what’s happening now?
*I call my lab* There’s some strange seismic activity here! Get me a read on it!
Whoa. What did I just walk into...?
*looks over at the cracks* Hullo, what do we have here?
Ya know, I think I'm gonna stay inside today..
So now that I can see through the illusion, I can help stop it. I’ll take out a megaphone and yell “They’re just illusions, not zombies!” Now to see if anyone believes me...
I continue to not exist.
I resist the urge to say that I don’t hear it because I have AirPods in. Instead, i draw my sword and search for the source
Ohhh, that’s what happened to my violin... can I get that back? It’s not done yet. Should be way more dead bodies.
... I rest next to the bard... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
That’s -blam!-ing metal. I’d navigate passed the zombies and drop her $20.
I listen to the song, and then pull out a lyre. I yell, “CITZENS!! OVER HERE!! QUICKLY!!”, and then begin a song of counter-magic to slow the zombies
A machine gun would be useful there...
*Draws my pistols and fires at the zombies, landing headshots*
"Don't touch that mouse, you're watching badlands chugs"
I un holster my Mastiff, and fire on the nearest zombie. [spoiler]Peacekeeper is gone, Mastiff is better shotgun[/spoiler] [spoiler]Sorry Partner, but You’ve Yeed your last Haw [/spoiler]