Ask me any question, but if it pertains to cat girls, furries, or anything that speaker is obsessed with I swear to any and all gods that may watch this earth I will blow up the moon in a fit of rage.
And yes, you can ask how I will accomplish such a feat.
Ask away
Edit: To those calling me a furry, [i][b][u]PROMPTLY WANK OFF ELSEWHERE.[/u][/b][/i] Please.
If this is closed, then why is my question still unanswered?
Bye I guess.
Has your crush ever asked you out but, being a socially awkward centuries old vampire with anxiety, you responded by exploding into a cloud of bats and returned to your lair?
You know guys I made a post about this; just to make things clear- Tiger is not a furry he is a Tiger. [spoiler]Tiger pls no leave- I made you a special tiger mech![/spoiler]
Tiger noooooo! Don’t listen to the people who call you a furry! I too know the pain! They know not the way!
So I hear you’re a furry what kind of catsuit do you wear
Bye Tiger! Where are you going?
Please choose the option that best describes you: One o[i]f[/i] the extinct tiger subspecies So[i]u[/i]th China Tiger Sibe[i]r[/i]ian Tiger Sumat[i]r[/i]an Tiger Mala[i]y[/i]an Tiger Bengal Tiger
So, if you were to be a furry, what would your Cat Girl costume look like and would Speaker make you his new obsession?
Does Obi-wan need the high ground to win a lightsaber duel?
How do you rate Varvatos
Iron man or Batman? Chess or checkers? Burgers or hot dogs? Lemon or lime? Chocolate or vanilla? Yanny or laurel? To be or not to be? That, Detective the right question.
How long have you been a furry?
Do you ever tricka dicka?
What are you favourite games or TV shows?
... When did you discover you were a furry?... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
Netherbrick, Quarts, StoneBrick, Spruce wood/cobble combo or birch wood/cobble combo? I’m looking to build a club in the Offtopic server and dunno what brick type to use.
Edited by The Spoken: 5/27/2019 1:03:21 PMDo you like fishsticks?
Who are you?
Why don't you support baby raptors? Did I blow you up in the first round of something?
Do you like Frosted Flakes?
How? [spoiler]catgirls[/spoiler]
Opinion on furries: Purge or naw?