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Edited by The Spoken: 6/1/2019 2:43:47 PM

Deep Saga Chapter 3 part 3

[spoiler]Testing testing 123, can anyone hear me?[/spoiler] Part 3 [quote]They approached the massive stone doors of the fortress of the Vault… deserted, quiet … “Huh, I thought we’d at least see some guards or something.” Nighthawk said disembarking from his mech and stretching. Ronin was covered in filth as were the rest of those on-foot. Stone of the earth rose out of the swamp like a broad ramp of rock, worn by the feet of many Deep-spawned. The great doors rose to heights that seemed impossible, the top of the gate a distant speck. “The deep is cunning, mercenary. I suggest you not give it any idea’s…” Virus admonished. Acrocanthus and Ronin bravely approached the doors, as the rest watched with muted intensity. This was it. This was their destination; but what horrors lie within?[/quote] T[quote]he fortress in its painful magnificence thrust to a peak like a great blade piercing the world from beneath. Suddenly there was a great rumbling beneath there feet and they prepared for a confrontation. A great monolith rose from the platform before the doors and displayed on its polished black marble surface a triptych of strange runic symbols. They glowed with holographic light. Ronin stepped forward and as he came closer the runes became letters in common English. [/quote] [quote]Ksnee eseb eth ngo gge[/quote] [quote]“It is an anagram… but completely nonsensical…” Acrocanthus stepped closer to examine the runes. “What do you make of it Acro?” Acrocanthus began tapping and swiping his hand accross the display on the black marble monolith, testing it’s capabilities. “It appears to be a haptic interface…” He swapped the letters of the anagram around lazily, getting a feel for the controls. “I’ve never seen such a terminal before, but…” The Monolith was tall rectangular and relatively flat, Acrocanthus estimated ten feet tall by four feet wide and eight inches thick… It had no observable power supply, unless it was at the bottom, and there seemed to be no other way to access it’s interior workings “..this seems familiar…”[/quote] [quote]KSEEN EBES SI ETH GEG NGO[/quote] [quote]“So whatever this puzzle is we will have to solve it-“ Just as Ronin gestured to the scramble of words on the monolith, a horrible bellowing behind them startled them, as they turned to see the rest of the team, with weapons drawn; and two massive beasts approaching. The Golems were massive, fleshy monstrosities held together by sutures of black thread, there many faces and heads, grotesquely joined to one another; gaped and wheezed as their great maw flapped open and shut with heavy course panting as they tromped closer to the party.[/quote] [quote]Virus jabbed; “You were expecting guards, Nighthawk…?” Without warning the two Golems leaned back and bellowed at an ear-piercing volume. Warlock leapt forward ignoring the pain and blasted the nearest Golem with magic, the wailing ceased “They’re raising the alarm, quick…!”[/quote] [quote]The other Raiders jumped into action Wripperoni, blasted the Golem on the right with sniper fire staggering the beast, as Nighthawk swung the Sword of House chordilinae with savage ferocity to behead the beast. A single head fell from the Golem and it flailed a fleshy and heavy fist at Nighthawks mech bashing him towards the swamp. He slid to a stop inches from the edge of the deep-root. Acrocanthus and Ronin dodged in either direction as the second golem recovered and charged the monolith slamming both its fists into the ground where they had stood, Raptor leapt on to the Golems back ripping at the flesh with razor sharp teeth and blasting it’s back with pulse fire.[/quote][quote] It reached up and grabbed raptor by the neck, pulling the screaming dinosaur by it’s neck and swinging it to the ground with deafening crash, the golem stepped forward and prepared to stomp on his neck. Before it could, it was surrounded by a mist of strange insects buzzing and biting… not insects, nanites. The Golem flailed about as the nanites very slowly deconstructed its flesh from the outside. Virus appeared behind the Golem, and satisfied with his nanites data collection, eviscerated the wailing Golem with his scythe, creating a huge and bloody slash; it fell to the ground.[/quote] [quote]The first Golem was proving to be difficult, as Wripperoni and his Titan attempted to grapple with the beast. It overpowered him pushing his Titan to the ground and snarling with many mouths. Suddenly a violent roar from Nighthawk and the orange blade of house chordilinae cleaved the beast in two, as Nighthawk and his mech stood, panting.[/quote] [quote]Wripperoni’s Titans servos screamed as he shoved the heap of flesh off him and regained his feet. The rest recovered from the bout as well. “Thanks… but I could have handled him…” he growled The bird mech c0ckp1t opened, and Nighthawk grinned, with a fresh lit cigar in his mouth. “Yea ok, pal…”[/quote] [quote]They had little time to collect their thoughts as a hundred Tigerman roars met their ears and from the battlements they appeared with wicked weapons and armor; snarling and ready for a fight.[/quote]

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