originally posted in:Fan Fiction Unite
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“Heck of a day, huh?”
Giant took a sip from his glass of water. “Sure is. Found where that rascal Keksis has been this whole time, almost got vaporized by a scorch cannon, and got reacquainted with an old friend.”
“‘Friend’ is probably an understatement,” the Exo next to him said with a raised eyebrow, “I’ve seen the way you look at her.”
Giant frowned. “Why does everyone keep messing with me about this? We’re friends, Ringer! Nothing more.”
Giant asked the waiter for another glass of water. “So, what’ve you been up to?”
“Nothing much. Assaulted a Fallen Ketch, Fell out of it and met a man named Will.”
“Busy day for you too, huh.”
The sat in silence for a while, being broken only by the occasional sipping of one of the patrons. At length, Giant spoke again.
“I’ve been...having these visions lately.”
“That’s normal. Exos have visions of the Crypt all the time.”
“It’s not the Crypt. Never has. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was a Man.”
“What kind of man?”
“It’s hard to tell. The vision dark and filled with shadow. And then, he kills another man just like him, but this one’s bright, like the Sun.”
“Odd stuff. You sure you’re not on something?”
“Maybe. Still, it puts me on edge.”
Giant rose from his seat and set some glimmer on the bar. “I’ll see ya later Ring,” he said as he turned to go, “I have some catching up to do.”
“You go do that.” Ringer said with a smile, as he finished his drink.
[spoiler]Destiny 2 OST: Zero Hour (Tension)[/spoiler]
“He got away.”
“Of course he did. I had no intention of letting him stay.”
“What do you mean?”
Keksis, the Reborn scratched his head as he regarded the orange projection.
“What I mean is that he simply doesn’t matter. We have more important things to think about.”
“Like what?”
“If we are to accomplish our goal, we will need the tools to do so. Those tools currently on Venus, Mars, and here on Terra. Of the 3, Venus is the most readily accessible.”
“What tools? We have SIVA.”
“I must be frank with you, Keksis. SIVA is a dying technology. The Replication chamber is gone, and the means to make more now lie in the hands of the most powerful being in the Enemy’s ranks. Even then, SIVA still has some weaknesses. Weaknesses the Enemy can exploit. To survive, we must eliminate those weaknesses. Do you understand?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Good. Now let us go, and gather the weapons of our conquest.”
Edited by Grays_KS27: 5/26/2019 4:47:34 PMSo, this chapter features a couple of our favorite bulky Exo Guardians: Giant and Ringer. But wait, is there another? Keksis [b]Ke[/b]ks[b]is[/b] [b]Keis[/b] Traveler above, it’s Keis! [b][i][u]*SPINFOIL HAT INTENSIFIES*[/u][/i][/b] [spoiler]Can’t wait for more! Keep up the good work[/spoiler]
massa - old
Is this a resume for Bungie script writer? -
Young Thug has consumed deadly amounts of Radiolaria. According to long range scans, Young Thug will grow up to 100 centimeters Long. Should he now integrate with KSeth, Egg Mind, they would combine and form the long forgotten 'Chili Monster'. W
stop posting this garbage in lore
The long awaited return of Ringer-7 (I hope) Good story, Giant!
Shoutout to whoever made this: https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=252131950 This is what Keksis looks like