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Edited by Bat (Timelost): 5/15/2019 5:37:13 AM

Operation Hades Part 5 *Beta*

Trump Gettham Plaza, Dellgate Immediately after Drop A Titan is seen crashed into the middle of the plaza. It is resting there almost like a sleeping giant in a way. The Titan begins to sit up after the hard landing, and the Coćkpit opens. Trump jumps out, and takes a look around. He then almost immediately punches the wall next to him. “DAMMIT!” Trump yells out at high volume, with his throat beginning to choke up from emotion. [i]”I swear to god, if I killed Rookie, I will never forgive myself.”[/i] Trump thinks to himself, and begins walking towards his Titan. “Everything alright, Ronin?” Trump asks his Titan, trying to scan the hull for any damage. Ronin: [b]Minor Hull Damage, Pilot.[/b] “Well, that’s not that bad. Gotta work with what you got, I guess.” Trump Says with a disgruntled tone. “There has to be more survivors. I gotta find them.” Trump Says to himself, and starts walking down the road to his right. ——————————————————— Tex Kadana Drive Immediately after drop Tex’s Northstar hits the ground hard, crashing straight into a high-class apartment building. “Augghhhhhh” Tex groans. “Jesus Christ, why was there a EMP?” Northstar: [b]Detecting major hull damage.[/b] “Ah shit, guess we came down hard.” Tex Says with a grunt. Tex gets her Northstar on its feet, and begins to scan the area. A scratchy radio transmission is being heard across her radio. “This is Lieutenant Keller! We are being held down in Haga Boulevard! We need reinforcements!” “Ah shit, looks like I gotta save their asses. Northstar you up for this?” Tex asks. Northstar: “[b]We are a stronger force together, Pilot”[/b] “I’ll take that as a yes then.” Tex Says, and runs off in the general direction of the transmission. ——————————————————— Scout Seross Parkway 5 minutes after drop. Scout’s lens optics begin to refocus, and he begins to come too. “Ouch” Scout says in a garbled robotic noise. He hits the side of his head, and his microphone wires fall back into place. “Ah, that’s better.” Scout says, and manages to get his Vanguard up. “What’s the damage like, Van?” Scout asks the Titan. Vanguard: [b]Heavy Core damage. Requires replacement battery.[/b] “Damm. Where the hell did we land?” Scout asks himself. He turns around, and sees a general appliance store. “Looks like it’s my lucky day. Bet there’s a battery in there.” He says, and begins walking inside the store. As he’s walking, he notices some robotic noises coming from the back of the store. He turns on his flashlight, and begins looking around for any signs of life. “Hello?” He calls out. Suddenly, Red lights at about head height start flickering around the entire store. Scout quickly draws his P2016, and flashes the light at the red shapes. “Stalkers!” Scout cries out, and begins unloading onto one. It starts to stumble, but looks up and begins crawling towards him swiftly. Scout looks around in a panic, looking for an exit. He thruster packs onto a high shelf, and spots a green flashing light near the back of the store. “Yes! A battery!” He says loudly, and looks back into the swarm of Stalkers below him. As they’re crawling up the shelf, he grappling hooks the battery to him, and jumps off. He quickly breaks his fall with a roll, and starts running toward the exit. A energy shot from a Volt hits him in the back and he staggers, but he quickly shrugs it off and sprints to the exit. As he clears the door, a Stalker appears from outside and hits him hard in the back. It sends him sliding across the parking lot, and onto his back. As he turns around, the Stalker is already upon him. As he starts crawling backwards, he starts shooting his P2016 at the Stalker, but it just absorbs the hit and keeps walking towards him. He tries shooting again, but the gun clicks, signaling that it’s out of ammo. The Stalker raises his hand upwards, ready to punch his hand through Scout’s chest. Right as the Stalker is about to strike, it is pulverized by a missile coming from Scout’s Vanguard. “Ah shit, that was close. Thanks buddy.” Scout says with a sigh. Vanguard: [b]You will have to explain that expression to me later Pilot. In the meantime, I need that battery.[/b] “Oh yeah, I got you.” Scout Says with a relieved tone. Scout hops into his Titan, and places the battery inside. Vanguard: [b]Core Power increased by 37% percent. [/b] “Well, I can’t be the only one who survived. I gotta find the others.” Scout Says, and begins making his way deeper into the city. ———————————————————- Cobalt Osemond Street Immediately after drop “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Cobalt yells as his Titan is falling from the sky. The Titan makes impact hard into the middle of the street. “Owwwww” Cobalt Groans, after slightly hurting his back. “Where the fućk did I la-“ Cobalt starts to say, but is interrupted by the load [i]-klinks-[/i] of gunfire hitting the hull. Militia Grunt: “Look, a Pilot! Now the odds are in our favor!” Cobalt begins to stand up. “Look, guys, I’m a bit busy he-“ Cobalt try’s to get out, but is hit in the back by an Archer. “Fućk!” Cobalt yells out, and turns his Monarch around to face the opposing force. What he sees horrified him. There were about 50 IMC Grunts facing him, outfitted with high-power assault rifles and Anti-Titan weapons. “Uh oh.” Cobalt says with a gulp. Cobalts Monarch is slammed with damage from the front, causing massive damage to the Monarch. Monarch: [b]Hull is taking excessive damage, advise taking cover.[/b] “Shit shit shit shit shit shit!” Cobalt says in a panic, as he boosts towards a high wall towards an alley. He slowly peeks around the corner, but is scared back into hiding by a Thunderbolt flying at him fast. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a conveniently placed construction pole towering over the IMC forces. Cobalt does the obvious thing to do in that situation. He shoots it. The pole falls and crushes about half of the IMC Grunts, and scatters the rest. “Wohoo!” Cobalt calls out in delight. A Grunt takes advantage of this opportunity and Charge Rifle’s The Monarch hull. “Shit!” Cobalt yells, and begins unloading onto the remaining Grunts with his XO-16. It destroys the Grunt, sending pieces of him everywhere. He keeps shooting, and kills the rest of them. “Whew, that was close. You guys good?” Cobalt calls out. He turns around, and sees that almost all of them are dead. Squeaky ass Militia Grunt: “Yeah, I’m good!” As the Grunt says this, he is crushed by a IMC Titan coming down from orbit. Militia Grunt: “Son of a Bitćhhhhhhhh” He yells as he flys forwards and hits a wall. The IMC Titan stands up, and pulls out his 40MM Tracker Cannon. “Ah shit, it’s a Tone.” Cobalt says with a disgruntled cry. “You ready for this extreme ass-kicking, Monarch?” Cobalt asks his Titan. Monarch: [b]Ready when you are, Pilot.[/b] Cobalt Reloads his XO-16 “Let’s go muthafućka” Cobalt says, and hits the Tone with a Energy Siphon. “Wohoo, free shield!” Cobalt yells He then hits the Tone with a missile, and activates his Amped Rounds. He then proceeds to unload on the Tone. This puts the Tone into a doomed state. “NOW THATS A LOT OF DAMAGE!” Cobalt says with his best Phil Swift impression. “Should we gank his battery, Monarch?” Cobalt asks his Titan. Monarch: [b]That would certainly be beneficial to our hull integrity, Pilot.[/b] “Gank it is” Cobalt says with a grin. He runs towards the Tone, and punch’s it. He jumps out on top of the Tone, and rips the battery out. In the meantime, the Monarch rips off the Tone’s arm, and punch’s through the viewport, crushing the Pilot inside. Cobalt jumps back into the Monarch, and the Tone collapses. “One free battery and a badass takedown achieved! That’s what you get for being cancer in the simulation, trash!” Cobalt yells out, and turns around. “I got to find the others.” Cobalt sighs, and runs out, deeper into the city.
#Offtopic #tf2

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