[quote][b]Lee enters the office with his hands on his face. A previous encounter with [u]himself[/u] has left him shaken[/b][/quote]
Beep: ey boss
Lee: So uh... There [i]might[/i] be a multiverse
[quote][b]Acros ears picked this up and he sprinted to the front office[/b][/quote]
Lee: Yeah, there's a rift that's bringing alternate versions of everyone here
[quote][b]Acros eyes lit up[/b][/quote]
ACRO: Did you find one of yourself yet?
Lee: Yeah... Lee The Outlaw
ACRO: Ohoho! This sh*ts like that one movie!!
Lee: wha..?
ACRO: Y'know, into the Spiderverse!
Lee: I'm still confused...
[quote][b]Pencilsnake rises out of his chair and walks to Lee[/b][/quote]
Pencilsnake: The movies soundtrack is the most gnarly, dude!
*Pencilsnake proceeds to do an air guitar*
Beep: Acros been trying to access a multiverse ever since watching it. His obsessions are getting out of hand.
*Lee shakes it off*
Lee: Well whatever that is, something caused these guys to come here. And if that Outlaw has my aim or anything remotely similar to my powers, some people here can get seriously hurt.
Pencilsnake: So what do we do?
ACRO: Well we need to plot out thier moves. [i]Think[/i] like a criminal. But there's a problem.
Beep: What?
Lee: None of us here are criminals
[quote][b]At those words the office door flies open, and a toaster and a mug on a pully is pushed in by a bird with a top hat[/b][/quote]
Toaster: You rang?
[quote][b]Everyone draws thier weapons and aims at three that enter[/b][/quote]
Toaster: Woah, woah, woah! Keep it civil ass hats.
Lee: What are you doing here?
Toaster: I'm bored
Lee: What?
Toaster: I'm bored. So I came here to see what you guys do. So what the latest?
Lee: Now hold on, why is Muggy here, and why is he so calm?
Muggy: They put me through rehab. I'm scotch free of mugs now! I don't feel the slightest urge
Beep: Oh really?
*Beep takes a long sip of coffee out of his mug*
Beep: Ahhh... Nothing like coffee in a marble mug. The mug really completes it!
*Irritated muggy controlling himself*
Muggy: N-not one u-urge!
Lee: And Night Hawk?
NightHawk: Oh it's good now! I'm actually the face of Monopoly for birds now, my people are now equal with humans! It took allot of protesting but we-
Toaster: No one cares you little bird b*tch
*Night Hawk stares at the floor sad*
Toaster: So what's the deal today?
Lee: Alternate versions of ourselves are leaking out of the multiverse
*ACRO let's out a giddy laugh*
ACRO: [b][i][u]YESSSSS[/u][/i][/b]
Toaster: So your alternate versions has tits now?
Lee: Well n-
Toaster: If you bang your alternate self, it like mast-
Lee: Woah buddy! Imma stop you right there before this thread gets locked! My alternate version is an Outlaw version. Holmes had one too when I was thier. Currently he's looking for where they might be.
Toaster: It's simple, I know where they'd go
Pencilsnake: You do?
NightHawk: Yeah I think I know where he's talking about.
Beep: Where?
Toaster: Only the coolest place in town
[quote][b]Toaster drives the white van up to a Chuck E. Cheeses and gets out with +20 Charisma glasses[/b][/quote]
Lee: A white van in front of a Children's restraunt? That's pretty sketchy
Toaster: Calm the -blam!- down your the police here
Lee: Oh yeah, right
[quote][b]The IT guys, Lee, and toaster and his friends walk into the Chuck E. Cheese and go to the front desk[/b][/quote]
Disciple Gizmo: How can I help you youngins today! How many tokens?
[quote][b]Muggy hops to disciple and whispers[/b][/quote]
Muggy: *brotherhood has the big dumb*
Disciple Gizmo: Oh I see... Welcome, my friends...
[quote][b]Disciple Gizmo presses a button and everyone falls down a tube into a secret lair. It's dark, but there are some lanterns with atomic fire to fix shine light[/b][/quote]
Lee: What the hell?
Toaster: They've got to be straight ahead.
[quote][b]As they continue forward they saw a figure of a box, but it seems to be moving[/b][/quote]
Lee *whispers*: Alright, stop!
Pencilsnake *in a low voice*: Can I hug them?
Lee: No!
Pencilsnake: DAMN IT
???: Who's there?
*Toaster put on his sunglasses with +20 Charisma and walked forwards*
Toaster: Never mind that. The real question is why don't you have legs?
*The box comes to the light*
Minifridge: because I'm a mini fridge
*The mini fridge puts on glasses of equal power*
Minifridge: Now why are you leaving so soon?
Toaster: We're oddly of equal power... Who are you?
Minifridge The Sheriff: I'm Minifridge, the Sheriff
Lee: What the hell!?
Toaster: Oh God... This must be my alternate self...
[b][i][u]To Be Continued[/u][/i][/b]
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