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Edited by The Spoken: 5/5/2019 8:13:33 PM

DeepSaga Chapter 2 Part 3

BOPSHEEZI [quote]‘what have I done?’ He had betrayed everything. He would be stricken from the ranks; forever denied the glory of steel, His companions and compatriots were now the wicked LJShafer who bended the void for his pleasure. Who tortured his victims with his malicious cruel ways. The wicked and fallen Otter, or as he was known now Dutch Taylor, or was it Simetra Taylor… he couldn’t remember; The strange and villainously mischievous Tiger, with his odd and twisted sense of humor and pride; the foul Cmirg, his deathly visage; another murderer and corpse defiler; There was that strange hooded figure, not tall, but menacing all the same, a vile imp he imagined. He was usually silent, content to wait upon the events the Master had concocted; and of-course, the master himself.[/quote] [quote]Bopsheezi hated him,[/quote] [quote]but no matter how much he struggled the deep only held him tighter it was in every part of him now embedded like the roots of a weed. He felt the creep of the corruption inside him, a foul feeling. His nostrils smelled only death, and the seed of his sins was ripe, his body was in top shape, his Legs toned and his Tail vibrant. His Ears folded awkwardly beneath his helmet. It never had been designed for him, he couldn’t remember who had given it to him… a well-functioning tool of the Speaker. ‘All I wanted was peace… all I wanted was the pain to go away… I never imagined it would be like this… Ring, oh gods Ring forgive me’ tears ran down his face and the power of the deep held his eyes alert and forward. Expressionless. Blank.[/quote] [quote]Forward into the great chamber he walked each step heavier than the last, suddenly the power of the deep coursed within him and his pace quickened. The electronic voice of Omega chimed in on his implant.[/quote] [quote]<Proctor, I am monitoring an increase in your heart rate, what is your status> “Something’s up Omega, meet me at the Vault.” <Affirmative, moving to regroup.> He could feel the cruel excitement of the Speaker, the dastard. He saw it in his mind- A team of Offtopians had entered the Deep Realm. Who-?” -[spoiler]wouldn’t you like to know[/spoiler]-? ‘I would, master, I am on my way’ Omega came flying overhead, hovering in mid air and then slowly lowering to the ground with his powerful hoverjets. [/quote][quote]<Proctor Bopsheezi, is there any way I can be of assistance.> “Yes. Omega initiate Biomed Scan 770mhz S T A I N protocol… subdirective 17..” <acknowledged; initializing hardware-Loading Software… complete. Executing Level 17 biomed analysis Brotherhood ecryption 000000000221139999928322213525634 designation: Knight Proctor Bopsheezi, Tenebrae. Hold still Proctor> Bop complied with the machine, of everyone around him his only real friend was Omega. That big old ape was his only buddy in this hell, if he had to go through hell, at least he still had that. The Robot scanned him, he wished he could remember their times before the deep, but Omega remembered everything, maybe that was why speaker had crushed his memory banks. The gaping hole in the robots back was the evidence. He felt wait it wanted, he felt what it needed of him and when it was fed, it rewarded his body with life, and vigor, but when Idle he was a zombie in this land. ‘better of dead’ <Scan complete>[/quote] [quote]<Proctor I am pleased to report that the growth has slowed somewhat. It seems to have reached maturity in perfect unison with your own DNA.> “And why would that be pleasing Omega?” <You are alive proctor…> “Bop... Omega, bop. Don’t you remember, you used to call me Bop” <no data available> “Come on Omega, your built to learn, I know I put it into your memory banks; you must have kept something in the backups.” [/quote][quote]<no data available>[/quote] [quote]<Proctor I am detecting elevated levels of Dark matter in relation to your anatomy, my field medical programming suggests that if the lifeform is not removed, there is little risk. Observation data shows that it has begun to meld it’s DNA entirely with yours, removing it now, would be hazardous to your survival> Bopsheezi sighed. “Omega what is your prime directive?” <To protect Knight Proctor Bopsheezi Tenebrae and Assist him in his Brotherhood of Steel duties therein.> [/quote][quote]Bopsheezi had taken to running these protocols. He held on to hope that Omega had old fragmented data in his backup neurons that he might be able to piece together. Omega was outfitted with advanced Learning intelligence, he didn’t think like a human but more like a faithful hound, a guardian and friend, That was the thing about hope in this place, when he embraced the deep, hope became a pain that he carried deep in his spine. It writhed and stabbed when he felt hope, and rewarded him with ecstatic euphoria when he was performing it’s terrible will. The memory banks had been destroyed but the metadata was still there… And if Bopsheezi had that he could rebuild the other bits using junk data and a few old computer parts he had. His mechanical arm was upgraded with deadly dark energy, It had been ripped off by the Speaker when he had rebelled the first time, the pain had been excruciating, and the creature in his body scratched and squeezed his insides with agony. Bopsheezi could feel the speaker feeding off of his torment, he forced the memories down. -[spoiler]you are the most divine of all my possessions. My most prized instrument… you will never betray me. Because you. Are. Mine.[/spoiler]-[/quote] [quote]“Omega, run diagnostic protocol omega reboot” <acknowledged> Omega whirred and shutdown, screens flashing back to life. <Omega Startup executing loading software… preparing firmware… done.> Bop felt the pain of the creature inside of him as he awaited Omega’s first greeting <Proctor, how may I be of assistance> The warm embrace of the deep filled him in his despair and his heart sank. What was the use… [/quote] Chapter 2: Part 4 [url=]here[/url]

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