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Edited by The Spoken: 5/5/2019 3:49:00 PM

Deepsaga Chapter 2 Part 2

INFINITE WRONG [quote]In a space thought inaccessible; out of time out of space out of reality; the Deep... The wrong... not empty like the void but flush with decay... the inverse... The overturned. The wound. The corruption flowed like blood through veins of living granite and festering soil. The soft glow of energy was everywhere; the speaker had woven digital and actual reality; the data and corruption was thick; information wrong and duplicitous permeated the ether; all was chaos and destruction.[/quote] [quote]Here The terrible fortress of the vault now stood and from within its labyrinths of treasures technologies and wonders, in the deepest chamber its victims languished. Lt Dutch Taylor stalked the corridors, their layout burned into his mind by the speakers indelible will, his steps were slow, possessed.[/quote] [quote]'They're coming, they're coming and you will be destroyed, I see your mind' He had once been Otter, a citizen of offtopic, a feisty lively user, burned by a few but who stood up against anyone; perhaps maybe too often 'Now, what does it matter...' His will had now been supplanted; his mind shoved aside, and the reins taken in his life. The Speakers will coursed within him now; like a poison, a cancer- not even his words were his own... all he was, everything he could be reduced to a ghost in the darkness, free to watch the terrible goals of the speaker made manifest... [/quote][quote]]'It's not over here' The speaker didnt respond 'You can't hold me back forever!'[/quote] [quote]In the darkness LJShafer approached him "Hey there, L T; staying sharp?" "Why are you bothering me?" "Haha, Listen, Speaker said-" [/quote][quote]"-I know what Speaker said... every raptor and tiger man here if Speaker wills it heard what he said! The -blam!-ing prisoners in the Last Vault probably heard it too! He speaks in our -blam!-ing minds you moron..." "Well then you know what comes next..." "Yes... we all do..."[/quote] [quote]"I can't wait...! LJ did a cartwheel away before punching a giant steel and ceramic statue, which flew apart at the molecular level into a fine mist that settled in a pile. "Finally! Some action! These powers are insane Otter!- "-who are you calling Otter?" Dutch seized Shafer by the armor and held him up to a nearby wall. "My name is Dutch, Otter is gone... Say it!" [/quote][quote]Shafer chuckled nervously" alright, Dutch. Dont want to upset the boss man with infighting... not yet anyway..." They walked what seemed like forever through yawning crevasses and winding Warren's of filth and old. Until they witnessed the canyon before them open under their view from its walls. Here the land descended into a valley of activity; smoke and industry rose like a flaming mask over the world, and the armies of The Deep were assembled. [/quote][quote]Trillions of Tigermen and Cyberman fighters, enhanced by the deep; faster, fiercer, deadlier; and coursing with the will of Speaker;commanded by elite sentient Raptor Cyborgs. In the distance; the gray spawning factories worked tirelessing cloning new and terrifying creatures , overhead a great beating of wings and a roar like hell itself. The great dragons, born of the Gods themselves; corrupted and deep, their skins blackened with darkness, And the colossal war bears towering eight meters above their smaller comrades.[/quote] [quote]"Terrifying..." Dutch said as he beheld the fell army of the deep. "Scared?" LJ bantered. Dutch pushed the hovering LJshafer away, and strode in the direction of his next task. Along the valley walls the smoke drifted over the outcropping path, and the terrible clash of metal and hate from the army below came with it. Onward he walked, to the gate, and passing through it he reentered the inner fortress the gateway to the inner sanctum and vault below closed behind him. He strode along the grand hallways of the old vault gilded and glistening, now laced with the corruption of the deep. Dutch entered the main audience chamber where a hooded figure waited. His back faces away. "He told me you were coming, and he also told me that you were not to be trifled with." [/quote][quote]“he was wise..." said the figure as the great doors to the chamber closed. Behind him... “I don’t know what deal you made with the speaker, but I promise you this; you are making a mistake.” The stranger stared emotionless. His face covered by the dark of his cloak. “Don’t talk about things you know nothing of” Dutch was incensed, “How dare you speak to me that way, I am the speakers arm, and could slay you with a thought!” [/quote] [quote]An orange glow came from beneath the hood of the stranger, and Dutch’s expression changed from anger to astonishment to sheer terror. “What do you want?” “I have a gift for your Master, a payment of sorts, and a part of our ongoing bargain.” “What bargain would the deep make with you?” “The secret kind…” the Stranger handed Dutch a long thin Black metal box. [/quote][quote]“Don’t bother trying to peak at it’s contents… It is sealed with powerful magic not even I fully understand…” Dutch frowned incredulously at his words… and examined the box, it held something of immense power… whatever it was, he would be a fool to give in to his own selfish wants… he always felt the eye of the speaker on him…”[/quote] [quote]“I am certain my master will be pleased. Is there anything else?” “No” and with that the stranger turned heal and strode back through the quantum gate at the end of the hall without so much as a parting nod. “Strange…” Dutch mused, ‘then again, everything is now…’ Obeying the terrible will of his overlord, Dutch turned and exited the chamber, walking stiffly back to fulfill his masters call.[/quote]

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