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Edited by The Spoken: 5/5/2019 3:57:05 PM

DeepSaga Chapter 2 Part 1

OFFTOPIAN KNIGHTS [quote]On the fields of Offtopic near the great Senate forum a traveling knight, doctor and friend of Sherlock John Watson, strode. He was known to all but unattached, the brotherhood had their base and their weapons the Natives had their squabbles, the Templars had their swords, and the Church had their cookies. But John Watson walked to the beat of his own drum. He had just come back from his nieces wedding; a splendid occasion. [/quote] [quote]“John…” the voice was a whisper, delicate… as if it were a mouse whispering in his ear. “John…” Watson looked around, there was nobody around, was he going mad? [/quote][quote]“John!” Sherlock stepped through his quantum teleporter nearly paralyzing Watsons heart. “Don’t. do. that!” “Well what’s the point of instantaneous teleportation to traverse vast distances if it’s not to be used?” “Yes, it’s quite useful! At giving me a coronary!” “Honestly John, I don’t know why you get so cross…” “A radio call Sherlock, that’s a very reasonable thing to request, and I-“ “Oh John, it would waste precious minutes and I needed to talk to you.” “About?” “The President has been abducted.”[/quote] [quote]John was speechless, “ah?” “A young Proctor of the brotherhood has fallen under the spell of Speakerofthedeep.” “Speakerofthe-wha. Sherlock what do you-“ “Speakerofthedeep, is it’s name, I have reason to believe he may be the very changeling that murdered so man citizens months ago” “The Slasher murders? You’ve found a lead…? “I found more than that…” [/quote][quote]“But the president-!” “-Has been abducted.” John exhaled slowly bowing his head, the cool breeze of the unspoiled spring air felt like comfort before a terrible storm. Sherlock watched patient and stoic. John knew he had a sworn duty, he was knighted by the queen of their home land. And neither had forsaken their vows even in this world. “John… something is not right in Offtopic, these recent disappearances, the murders; I know they are connected somehow”[/quote] [quote]Watson took in Sherlock and regained his composure, they were on a case again… ‘just like old times’ “Toaster?” “No, as much as Toaster is a violent and dangerous appliance, these latest crimes don’t fit his personality” “Really, the maulings the missing persons; don’t strike you as something Toaster would do; and laugh about?” [/quote][quote]“The Toaster is a brute yes, but his aims are far more mischievous, more based on the premise of chaos… If you examine his methods- but that’s a case for another time, John… This new infestation is truly an infestation; some kind of virus; perhaps a parasite; or maybe it is something we don’t even have a methodological word for yet, Watson. Toaster has created deadly plagues, and biological life forms but this is something different, I can feel it. And I have a statement..” “Because you spoke to the little nightmare yourself?” “Yes.”[/quote] [quote]“What? You spoke to him!?” “well, it would be better to say that he reached out, he admitted to a myriad of violent crimes, and was quite insistent that he had nothing to do with the recent goings-on he then detailed that he was ‘busy with a project of his own’ something we’ll need to follow up on Watson, but he told me nothing else; he seemed to be concerned about the corruption as well.” [/quote]“[quote]And what does all this have to do with Speaker?” “A changeling; goes by the name of Speakerofthedeep; The man behind the recent abductions and now… my friend RingLeader, he is the source of these violent crimes, I didn’t ask how Toaster came by this info, but given the brotherhoods confrontations with him, The recent disappearance of his Fortress Bank, and his prior dealings with the Society and Toaster himself he absolutely fits the bill.” “brilliant, Holmes…” [/quote] [quote]“Oh come now Watson… I’m off, I have things to attend to” A loud Beep came over the comm unit on his belt. The voice of Pancake Monk. “Sherlock, you better get down here.” Sherlock thumbed the transceiver “I’m on my way…” looking back at John, Sherlock gave a grin. “The game is afoot, Watson…” “I’m here.” “I’m going to rescue the president John, can I count on you to keep things safe here?”[/quote] [quote]“Sherlock, I would not imagine the world in better hands." Watson said with a smile Sherlock stepped through the teleporter…[/quote] ….. Chapter 2 part 2 [url=]here[/url]

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