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Edited by The Spoken: 4/28/2019 12:47:03 AM

Chapter 3: the wound in the World

[quote]High in the clouds over Offtopic, they prepared for their insertion into the Speakers realm. The vertibird piloted by a brotherhood Lancer rushed toward an area that had been showing strange emissions on their instruments for a week now; the strange thing was, it was 9,000 feet in the air. The pilot fought the buffeting cross-winds.[/quote] “We’re way above the operational ceiling of this Bird sir!” “She’ll hold, good flying Lancer” Pancake Monk praised “Yes sir” [quote]Pancake monk would normally stay behind with the Base to perform his duties, but this was important. The Pancake Monk turned to Sherlock as they steadied themselves on the loops hanging above.[/quote] “I don’t like this Sherlock...” [quote]The Detective outfitted with his finest crafted guns and gear was calm, in contrast to the visibly concerned Pancake.[/quote] “You should let me send at least a platoon to back you up” “Monk, if the speaker discovers an armed incursion in his own realm he could very well escape with his prisoners, or worse…” “Suit yourself, Holmes… But we have no idea what your going to find in there, If you end up in a tight spot…” [quote]Pancake offered the Detective a plasma pistol. [/quote] “You will need all the weapons you can get when the Speaker finds out we have come” S [quote]herlock pushed the gun away and Pancake grabbed his hand pressing the grip into it.[/quote] “Bring the President home Sherlock-" "-And graffalope-" sherlock gave an look of chiding. Yes, but the president is the priority; take it. You might need it.” [quote]Sherlock gave a quizzical look and accepted the firearm.[/quote] [quote]The roar of the engines made it hard to hear, as Sherlock walked back to the other Raiders. The Raptor prepared his armored war rig, a mini Raptor raised as his fellow warrior, rode the turret atop the rig rotating a full 360 degrees with twin pulse cannons.[/quote] [quote]Ronin reassured Jade who was uncertain, his katanas glinting in what little light penetrated the vertibird, hi was well armed with four quick action revolvers if the battle moved beyond the blade and he steeled his nerve as he prepared to make the jump[/quote] [quote]Virus and Nighthawk bantered lightly to defuse the feeling of dread they felt, discussions about security, rackets, profiteering, infiltration… laughter. Virus leaned lazily on his Scythe sneering slightly at Nighthawks cavalier attitude the jolts and bumps did not affect his balance much as the tiny servo’s of his nano-meshed body adjusted and shifted. The sword of house Chordeilinae lay across Nighthawks lap as he careful honed the blade.[/quote] [quote]Wripperoni waited by the hatch carefully typing something on his wrist tech His L series Rifle and Sniper, hanging by his side and on his back. He prepared his Titan drop coordinates, the Plan was to drop it in before the other Raiders did. He was itching for the action to begin[/quote] [quote]Acrocanthus prepared his firearms and gas grenades, would his gases even effect Deep corruption? He would have to find out the hard way.He didn’t feel good about this, there was no data about the deep, and for all they new, they could be walking into a trap.[/quote] [quote]Sherlock Called out to them to get ready, and the long door of the Vertibird opened wide[/quote] [quote]They prepared to jump, Nighthawk shouted back,[/quote] “what? Were just jumping out? WERE 9000 feet in the air!” “The Vertibird is to big to fit through the rift!” [quote]Sherlock shouted back, Acrocanthus pushed past him to take readings with his instruments[/quote] “Its just big enough to fit Wripper’s Titan, and that has to be guided with the Data I gave him!” [quote]He fiddled nervously with the circuits. [/quote] [quote]Night Hawk was flabbergasted [/quote] “You don’t know what’s down there! We could be jumping into a meat grinder knowing that guy!” [quote]Acrocanthus aimed the odd instrument toward the[/quote] “Gravitational analysis of the rift says theres a shift in the magnetic field just inside. We’ll be coming in at an angle!” “And you’re sure of that?!” “No!” “Great!” “DROPPING TITAN!” [quote]Wripperoni shouted. As they hovered nearby a crack of a sonic boom and like a meteor the Titan fell through the rift.[/quote] “We have Titanfall, all systems, nominal!” “Steel yourself Nighthawk, the journey awaits” [quote]Ronin smiled facing them, his back to the door with a smile he fell back.”[/quote] Acro stowed his equipment and hesitating slightly made the jump, then Virus "I thought Humans were Braver", [quote]Virus sneered at NightHawk. Nighthawk, scowling… jumped followed by Wripperoni and Raptor.[/quote] [quote]One by one the Raiders jumped from the Vertibird fearlessly, with Sherlock Bringing up the rear.[/quote] “Good luck Holmes!” [quote]Pancake shouted after him.[/quote] “I don’t need luck!” He leapt [spoiler]Inside the deepest cell of the vault the speaker begins his final assault on the President and Girrafalope. A tremor in the deep… What? NO! THEY WILL BE CONSUMED! I WILL DESTROY THESE PATHETIC -blam!-! In his minds eyes he saw the Raiders, Heh… It seems we must accelerate things… In the world of Offtopic new rifts opened, and the corruption of the deep began to pour forth, twisting and maiming everything it touched, and with it, came the Forces of the Deep… Tigermen, Warbears Deep Raptors, and The BirbTroll of the Deep, once known as ShadowWing, now a monstrous shrieking bird of Hell fire. General Tiger commanded his Armies to advance, they formed ranks effortlessly and marched on the Senate of Offtopic…. THE RAID BEGINS. [/spoiler] [quote] THANK YOU FOR READING!!!! Chapter 4: War of Opportunity and the result of the Raid will be posted tomorrow or Sunday, Thanks again guys and all Raiders have been provided with a group link, join and prepare for Battle[/quote]

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