Ringleaders head hurt like hell. He slowly awoke from his foggy gaze of pain, and attempted to take charge of the situation.
But the headache was painful, searing even. But it was slowly subsiding. Ring looked around him. He was in the mansions living room, with several chairs moved to point toward the head couch. In the chair next to him, laid the unconscious body of Xombie. Then it came back to him. The murders, the bomb, the gas, the cookies, the owl shapes, the trials, everything.
Ringleader tried to get up, only to realize his hands and feet were tied up with his own jacket and tie from his suit. “What the hell?!” Yelled Ringleader.
On the far side of the room, the doors opened, and out walked the killer. It was a strange figure, dressed up in red and black, carrying a briefcase. He wore a mask, covering up his face. When the killer was near the head chair, more details about his figure presented themselves. He had…feathers? Yes, feathers, sticking out from where his hands should have been, and his feet were replaced by talons. Sharp, and deadly, yet they seemed to be clean of any substance.
The killer sat down at the head couch. He placed the briefcase right next to him. Underneath that mask, Ring was betting that the killer was smiling, reveling in the pain he had brought to the victims, To his surprise, the killer spoke, a voice heavily warped by the mask. “My dear Ringleader. Sigh, if only it had not come to tonight we could’ve conducted some serious business.”
“You -blam!-ing cowardly -blam!--wit!” Screeches Ring. “I’ll -blam!-ing gut you head to toe you son of a-“
“RING. SHUT. UP. Please.” The last word was delivered with strange politeness.
Ring decided to stop talking. “As you no doubt are aware, one of your companions is missing Ring.” Continued the Killer.
Ring looked around. Where was Tiger? “Where is he?! Are you him?!”
The killer laughed, a humorous laugh, like they shared a extremely funny joke. “No, but let’s watch the video feed of that fatass shall we?”
With that a nearby TV rose out of the floor, and it’s screen turned on.
Tiger was standing up on a treadmill, his costume in tatters, hands taped to the handlebars. “HELLO?!” He was screaming. “ANYONE THERE?!! HELP!”
He tried prying himself from the handlebars.
“Goddamnit! Someone! Ring! Xombie! Grav?”
Suddenly, the treadmill started up. Slowly at first. “Oh god what’s happening?!” Screams tiger.
Tiger begins walking on the treadmill, running as it speeds up. “No, I ain’t gonna did like this! People actually run this fast?! No, I can do this! What would master chief do?! He would run his ass off. THATS IT! HE WOULD RUN TO KILL EVERY ENEMY!! I AM THE CHIEF! I AM-“
*Two minutes later*
Tiger’s body is slumped over the treadmill, legs dangling off the edge, hands still taped to the handlebars as the treadmill started to finally slow down.
The screen turns to black.
The killer had turned the TV off with a remote. “Well...that was both depressing and humorous to watch.” The killer stated.
“I bet if you put a Twinkie in front of him he probably would’ve run faster.” Retorts Ring
“Haha, no. Tiger would’ve ran faster if I put Hershey’s chocolate in front of him. By the by, can you guess who I am?” Questions the Killer.
Ring narrows his eyes. The feathers, the talons, the owl symbols. “My guess? You’re an asshole.”
Xombie begins to wake up. “Uhhh wha...? Where are we?”
“Sigh....wrong answer Ring. Here, I’ll show you who I truly am.” The killer says.
The killer begins to remove his mask. Underneath a face is revealed. A face of feathers, a beak, and two greenish orange eyes that can see in the dark. “Recognize me boys?!”
Ringleader and Xombie gasp. “NIGHTHAWK?!”
Nighthawk throws up his arms. “Surprise! I’ve been planning this night for a long, long time!!”
Xombie stifled against his restraints. “YOU SON OF A -blam!-ING -blam!- ILL -blam!-IN KILL YOU! BERNTHAL HIMSELF SHALL-“
“Shall not know of what will happen here, thanks to the storm. Offtopic storms help dilute the connection between the gods and their followers. Doesn’t work with the God of the Deep though...” Says Nighthawk.
Thunder boomed.
“Now, one ran himself into the ground, two are left from the 11, and we shall have some more fun...mwaha!”
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