Probably should start out with a [b]disclaimer[/b] stating that this entire process can be patched / removed in the future, and that i May or May not be the one who should be given credit for this find, for while i haven't seen anyone else point this out, i still may not be the only one; also, it most likely isn't a good idea to do this, for it is (i think) an exploit to the game, which will be unfair to others who do not wish to use it.
Now, where was I?
I should start out with my load-out; warlock, skull / nova, 3 shotguns (toil & trouble, Last Man Standing, Tractor Cannon; kinetic & special shotguns are aggressive, which i found the best for this case, tractor cannon has a huge spread)
I shouldn't have to explain why Nova / Skull is good, so I'll move on to the Exploit i found
During one of my first runs, Me and a buddy successfully hit what I will proceed to call a "Reset Point," this being the end point of a string of branches, while serving the function of clearing the cleared branches so you may continue on fresh ones; My friend, before getting to the end of the last branch, fell and made an oof, dying as a result. Since this was a darkness zone, I go to my buddy's grave for the revive; That's when i realize, the timer [i]stopped[/i]. This was the result of the Reset Point, being programmed to stop while you go and step on the plate.
Fast forward another few branches, and we spot some chests, and we get the idea to save them for when the reset point stops time; turns out, the chests stay programmed in, even when the branch isn't loaded in. Why is this important, you might ask? Well, the Chest gives 8 seconds to the timer per player, meaning you can make an equation that goes like this:
8S x C = T
S is Seconds, C is chests, T is time.
The optimal strategy is to have 1 player do all of the optional routes with nova / skull (it just makes ads cry) while the other player(s) go for the main exit (if you are a solo, go for the optional routes first).
after touching the reset point (do NOT touch the plate, only the square around the plate), go for the chests your 1 person / you (solo) missed, get the time added, and get the +20 seconds for resetting the Branches; I say this is infinite because, even on wave 102, me and my ONE partner were still GAINING time.
anyways thankies for reading k bai notice me dmg-senpai