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4/15/2019 9:44:00 AM

Trucker Urban Legend

The Black Dog. I get asked about this one a lot by every person who has seen the Patrick Swayze movie by the same name. They want to know if it is true, have I seen, why is it a dog, etc Like all urban legends, I think, there is a grain of truth to this one as well. I know the Black Dog myth is much older then even cars and if you look it up, you can find this link here→→→ Have I seen the Black Dog though? Sort of, but let me explain, for there is no "supernatural" element to it. Usually, you will get very tired in the darkest part of the night, which is right before sunrise. Doesn't seem to matter what time you woke up or how much sleep you have gotten, one thing most us truckers agree on, that time in the morning, we all get sleepy, even if we are freshly up & showered and have our favorite form of caffeine in hand. There is a thing called Highway Hypnosis & it comes from staring at the road for too long. (Look, another link!→→→Highway hypnosis ) So, now that we have those 2 things out of the way, let me start the explanation of my "Black Dog". I have noticed that in the wee early hours of the morning, between 4-6 am, when it can be very dark (it depends where you are, the times ), you will notice in your headlights, black shadows moving across the road in front of you. Before you ask, yes, they do seem to move or undulate across the road in front of you and sometimes towards you. I think this is caused by a bit of highway hypnosis, mixed with that tired feeling and a dash of the ripples/contours in the road. It can be a bit unnerving the first few times you see it, bit even if it is a dog, you have to train yourself to maintain your lane and not swerve, as your instincts warn you to do, as traffic can change so rapidly, that when you swerve, you might kill someone or a family, especially when driving a fully loaded semi. I thought I would share this with ya'll. I hope you enjoyed it and yeah, molasses cookies, Bernthal the Great, assless chaps, etc, etc.

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  • Isn't that what killed John Bonham?

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    7 Replies
    • Edited by OldboyVicious: 4/16/2019 3:58:59 AM
      Was really hoping to read an I depth history of Large Marge. Was not disappointed with this post, though. Good read, thanks for posting. Edit: Just remembered a similar phenomena to the highway hypnosis hallucinatory effect. Dark room. Mirror. 1 candle. Light the candle and place it in front of you, as you face the mirror. Make sure the candle is the only source of light. Stare directly into the eyes of your reflection for ten minutes straight. Blink normally, but try not to turn your head or look away. You will begin to see your face distort, shift, transform, warp, even become unrecognizable to you. Pretty freaky.

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        Whenever I make the trip home, I always see shit. Nothing paranormal, but I’ll see overpasses that aren’t there or trailers turn into Priuses.

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        • That's some trippy sh*t. It seems like there's an optical illusion happening when the road hypnosis and fatigue hit. Then paired with the rhythmic motions of the truck on the road a strange phenomenon occurs with the drivers vision. Kinda neat.

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          3 Replies
          • I was wondering why my dad always talked about a black dog. Always thought he was stupid but now I know it's because this movie & he's just stupid.

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            • I want to believe.

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              • >be me >driving home from national forest at night >bad idea to be driving that late, in that area, because the tree line is literally within pissing distance of the road >speed limit is 50 >No moonlight, no traffic light, no city lights, nothing except the headlights of a 2013 Toyota Camry rental car >physically feel something weird >literally feel a very strong pressure against my chest like someone is pushing me >feel something else I would describe as static electricity amplified. >ask gf who was in the car with me "do you feel that?" >"yes." > immediately hit brakes and slow down to almost complete stop >about 5 seconds later I see a gigantic bull elk standing in the road If I didnt slow down for no logical reason I probably would have plowed into it and could have died.

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                • Edited by The Spoken: 4/15/2019 10:26:10 PM
                  Large Marge sent me!

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                    Ooh, hey tell the one about Large Marge!

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                    • [quote]The Black Dog. I get asked about this one a lot by every person who has seen the Patrick Swayze movie by the same name. They want to know if it is true, have I seen, why is it a dog, etc Like all urban legends, I think, there is a grain of truth to this one as well. I know the Black Dog myth is much older then even cars and if you look it up, you can find this link here→→→ Have I seen the Black Dog though? Sort of, but let me explain, for there is no "supernatural" element to it. Usually, you will get very tired in the darkest part of the night, which is right before sunrise. Doesn't seem to matter what time you woke up or how much sleep you have gotten, one thing most us truckers agree on, that time in the morning, we all get sleepy, even if we are freshly up & showered and have our favorite form of caffeine in hand. There is a thing called Highway Hypnosis & it comes from staring at the road for too long. (Look, another link!→→→Highway hypnosis ) So, now that we have those 2 things out of the way, let me start the explanation of my "Black Dog". I have noticed that in the wee early hours of the morning, between 4-6 am, when it can be very dark (it depends where you are, the times ), you will notice in your headlights, black shadows moving across the road in front of you. Before you ask, yes, they do seem to move or undulate across the road in front of you and sometimes towards you. I think this is caused by a bit of highway hypnosis, mixed with that tired feeling and a dash of the ripples/contours in the road. It can be a bit unnerving the first few times you see it, bit even if it is a dog, you have to train yourself to maintain your lane and not swerve, as your instincts warn you to do, as traffic can change so rapidly, that when you swerve, you might kill someone or a family, especially when driving a fully loaded semi. I thought I would share this with ya'll. I hope you enjoyed it and yeah, molasses cookies, Bernthal the Great, assless chaps, etc, etc.[/quote] Yeah that's cool and all but have you ever seen truckasaurus?

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                      • dog..... pfft What you really need to be aware of is

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                        • Hey hey momma, I like the way you move, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove... *headbang-alicious guitar riff*

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                          • Interesting...but have you ever seen *looks around suspiciously* [spoiler]The Thunderbird[/spoiler]

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                            • Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 4/15/2019 3:02:36 PM
                              Have you thought about either of these things before?

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                              6 Replies
                              • Interesting. I always found urban legends fascination, reminds me of X-files and twilight zone.

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                                • My dad never talked about seeing the black dog, but he was only short haul.

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                                  • I've driven alot (600k+miles) and haven't seen anything scary or weird. Kinda bummed out by it. And I've driven in some barren places in the middle of nowhere at all hours. The freakiest was probably driving through the heart of Navajo country in Northern Arizona at night. Complete darkness (except for my lights) and the only radio station you can get plays Indians chanting.

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                                    • Sounds creepy

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                                      • Bump

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                                      • .....or that deal you made 10 years ago to become the Prophet of Bernthal the Great has run its course and now those doggos are here for what’s left of your soul! Get out the salt and call Sam and Dean before it’s too late!

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