[i]For those just tuning in the link to part one is above. Shoutout to AltroGamingBros, Venom Sprinter, and Oddish for working with me to create a miniverse. Disclaimer I don't own any Bungie stuff. Now let's begin![/i]
Malex, Rika, and Elite-5 walked up the steps to the Iron Temple. Lord Saladin had called for all the Iron Lords to meet in the main chamber which meant Malex. His Last Word was in his holster and his Young Wolves Howl was on his back.
Rika: So, why does Saladin want to see the Iron Lords again?
Malex: Beats me, it's been years since he called up a grand meeting
Elite-5: I bet he's gonna send them all into some super dangerous crusade that will get them killed
Rika: What!? (grabs Malex's arm)
Malex: Relax babe he was joking. I doubt it's anything that serious.
Rika: (smacks Elite-5) Don't scare me like that again!
Elite-5: Okay chill out. Geez.
Malex rolled his eyes and the three walked up to the grand gate. An Iron Lord stood guard.
Iron Lord: I'm sorry Malex Iron Lords only. Your friends will have to wait outside.
Malex: (turns to fireteam) Sorry you two, looks like it's a selective club.
Rika: We'll meet you back in the tower.
Malex: Sure thing. See you later.
Malex walked into the temple, greeting other Iron Lords as he went. His buddy Oddish was teaching his kinderguardians today so he wouldn't be here. Why Oddish would want to be stuck teaching a bunch of little kids was beyond him. Malex entered the main hall and took his seat. About fifteen minutes later all the Iron Lords were seated and Lord Saladin walked out onto the floor.
Lord Saladin: My fellow Iron Lords, we face a grave threat. The shadows have built up a small army three thousand strong.
Murmurs erupted from the Iron Lords, Malex leaned in closer.
Lord Saladin: They have a base where our own Lord Malex killed the Shadow known as Sevestapol.
The Lords of Iron all turned to look at Malex
Malex: Look I was there just a few days ago and I didn't see anything.
Lord Saladin: Ah, that's the point. The camp itself is their headquarters. One of them anyway. They are spread all over North America and they pose a great threat to the city. The Fallen House Temptation lead by the Arc Assassin is already fighting them. I say we must fight as well! I say we go to war against the Shadows and crusade against the darkness!
The cheers erupted from the Iron Lords were so loud that the chamber shook. Malex pondered the situation, there were only five hundred Iron Lords. Even though House Temptation was fighting they'd never link up without fighting through the Shadows. Still, he knew he had to go. He just didn't know how he was going to tell Rika.
[i]Later at the tower[/i]
Malex walked into the kinderguardian wing of the tower. Class had just let out a few minutes ago so he wouldn't be disturbing anything. He walked into Oddish's classroom. Sure enough there he was behind his desk, grading papers. His daughter Petra was practicing at the range. He knocked on the opened door. Oddish looked up
Oddish: Oh hey Malex, it's been awhile.
Malex: Yeah it has. Have you heard about Saladin's call to arms?
Oddish: I have. A crusade against the shadows? That's going to be one heck of a war.
Malex: Yeah I bet it will be. You shipping out with us?
Oddish: Honestly I haven't decided yet. I want to go, but I have the kids to think of. Plus there's Petra, heck Paula isn't quite sure if she wants to go. What about you?
Malex: Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm going, it's my duty I have to. But...
Oddish: But you're not sure how to tell Rika.
Malex nodded
Oddish: I see, (stands) you're not very good about talking about feelings and stuff and you want to know what to say. Am I correct?
Malex: Yeah, I just figured with you being a father and all you might know how to break bad news to somebody you love.
Oddish: Honestly, I got nothing. There's no real way to just come out and say it. You know you have to, but it's hard. (looks at Petra at the range) You just have to remember who you're fighting for.
[i]The next day, in Malex's Quarters[/i]
Malex put his gear together. He had just gotten back from the Black Armory, he had his Woven Firesmith Vest and his Galliard-42 auto rifle tuned up. Malex wore his lucky pants with a desert matte shader, his Woodland grips had a Warbrick shader and his Wildwood cloak was brown. He holstered his Last Word and put his auto rifle on his back. Rika entered his room.
Rika: Hey I heard you wanted me...(stops dead in her tracks) What are you doing? I've never seen you with an auto rifle before. Why are you geared up?
Malex took out his Young Wolves Howl. The broadsword glowed orange with heat. He sheathed it, and Rika immediately understood.
Rika: No... (rushes to him and wraps him in a hug) NO!
Malex: Rika, Lord Saladin called up the Iron Lords. I have to go.
Rika: No! You can't leave! Fireteam Ranger needs you! (looks at him) I need you...
Malex: The shadows have built up an army in secret. And I don't mean the Drifter's crew, I mean the real legit shadows of Yor. If we don't stop them they'll eventually make it to the city.
Rika: Then take me with you. (cast a spectral blade) You know I can fight.
Malex: Rika, you know I can't. You're easily the best nightstalker I know, but this is a war only the Iron Lords are fighting. If Zavala was to send the guardians then it'd be different but, you know he won't.
Rika: (phases out super and lowers her head) I know... (starts to cry)
Malex: Hey (gently lifts her head) I will be back, you hear? Shadows or not We're the Iron Lords, we'll win.
Rika: Promise? Promise me you'll come back?
Malex: I promise. (kisses her) Come on, walk with me to the transport.
The two walked arm in arm to the transport. When they reached the hanger Malex turned to face Rika
Malex: Well, I guess this is it. I have to go, gotta put down some Shadows
Rika: Yeah, here (hands him a picture of her) to remember me while you're out there.
Malex: Looks like you have me at a disadvantage, (takes off his cowboy hat and hands it to her) I know it ain't much but, I have to come back to get it back don't I?
Rika: (takes the hat and holds it to her chest) Yes you do, and don't forget it.
Malex: Never
Malex pulled up his hood and leaped onto the transport ship. The hatch closed and the ship flew out of the hanger.
[i]Later in the Annex[/i]
The blast knocked the two people back against the wall.
???: Dang it! That's the fifth one! It's impossible!
Drifter: Maybe, maybe not. Either way we still have Sevestapol's Black Talon, and with the Iron Lords and House temptation keeping the Shadows busy, I suggest we use it.
[i]To Be Continued[/i]
Part 25: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/252106593
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