What kind of steak do you like? Personally I prefer a Ribeye. So nice and juicy when you cook them to the perfect level.
Not to mention when you throw in the seasoning.
Personally, I’ll take any medium steak. I haven’t tried any other kinds, but I prefer it more juicy. [spoiler]Sorry Partner, but You’ve Yeed your last Haw [/spoiler]
Dmbfan is my side chick, my main girl is Dmg04
You can send him a message, it'd be much more efficient.
Not him but ribeye is good, just ate steak yesterday. [spoiler]Want a burrito?[/spoiler]
I prefer T-bone over ribeye, but hell, I never say no to a good steak.
Edited by The Spoken: 4/9/2019 12:20:14 AMStop lying! You eat live jungle animals Unless...[spoiler]you were raised in captivity?[/spoiler] [spoiler]😦😮[/spoiler] [spoiler]actually, I agree, an overcooked medium->well=ruined [/spoiler] [quote]for you 🥩🥩🥩🥩[/quote]