I got today a restriction for communication on xbox live because of messages I have sent.
As someone which doesn't soeak english fluent nor being able to fully understand the CoC complexity in case behavior, I want to ask you experts what exactly counts as "negative message content" on the lowest possible level?
As far as I know I got the restriction because of a message which "hurt" somehow an other player on xbox live, but I don't know how a "You're lagging like shit" or "Fix your fukn network" is a insulting message. Yeah, it carries frustration but that's nothing in my eyes which is a direct act against the CoC?
Any ideas what counts as unallowed behavior in messages?
Lol why send the message at all? It make you feel better cause it sure as heck wont affect the other person.
If you wanted to be helpful, there are better ways to communicate that than the way you chose to. You dont know what the circumstances are as to why their connection is bad or why they lag, it could be out of their control. The internet infrastructure in the states isn't as great as others out of state might think. Just be glad it wasnt a full suspension and move on. Others been banned for less lol.
You think the guys you messaged were like... you know what he’s right I’m going to go move or upgrade my connection somehow
Edited by Jotaro Kujo PhD: 4/9/2019 4:08:18 PMAnything that can be perceived as an insult, no matter how benign, can get you banned. Don't even call someone a "poopyhead". On top of that, Xbox strictly prohibits all forms of profanity in text messaging. Even a compliment that has profanity, such as "dude that exterm was -blam!-ing sick", is risky. If a message of yours is reported and it contains an insult, profanity, or both, you can guarantee that you will lose all comm privileges. You have to be very careful what you write in Xbox messages these days. Forget about game chat, though. Unless someone is recording your voice, it's highly improbable to get banned due to game chat.
From what I’m aware it’s a simple algorithm that scans for curse words after someone reports the message. Solution? Don’t curse in your messages...
Being a prick in general.
... Well I mean, you violated the CoC, that's not cool man, not cool... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
[quote]but I don't know how a "You're lagging like shit" or "Fix your fukn network" is a insulting message.[/quote] If you do not see either message as offensive, that's on you. Fix your vocabulary. Yours is broken. If you think that either are acceptable, despite whether English is not your main language, well they aren't. The comms ban is justifiable.
Edited by The Spoken: 4/9/2019 3:43:33 PM*Bites tongue* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... [spoiler]Lets talk about the CoC![/spoiler]
Code of conduct bans are like speeding tickets No one actually gives a shit about them and we usually just keep getting them.
Bad language for starters (which is what you used) and things like harassment, threats or hate. Over the course on Xbone's life Microsoft have moved to enforce their CoC/ToS more strictly to the point of being a bit ridiculous at times.
I don’t know what the rules are but why send negative messages at all? What do you think it’s going to accomplish? You think saying “fix your fckn network” is gong to make them fix their internet? Of course it won’t. So why bother? All it is you needlessly taking your frustrations out on other players. In all my years of gaming I have never felt the need to send anyone a negative or angry message. It’s just a video game. As the song says “let it go”.
ACLU if you're in the US
Its a zero tolerance policy, and its handled automatically by algorithms. An actual person has not even reviewed your communication yet, and will not unless you submit a support ticket. If you did actually swear in writing, submitting a support ticket is the last thing you want to do. Unless it was in a context of "Great game guys! That was f***in awesome!" or something. In any case, its not the end of the world. You will get your chat back soon.
Edited by USA XJ: 4/8/2019 10:29:04 PMI said [quote]nah, thats gay[/quote] in reply to someone else telling me I suck and i got banned for 24 hours.
Edited by albinomachina: 4/8/2019 10:19:02 PMBad words are a no-no. You could write someone "Great -blam!-ing game" and get banned if they reported you.
Any swearing or cussing is bannable offence on Xbox. That’s kinda why you might see people remove Vowels I’m swear words. So shit becomes sht or -blam!- becomes fck.