Amanda Holliday has always sold only green ships and sparrows throughout Destiny 2 and the only way to get good ships and sparrows is to do activities like gambit and strikes, or level up and get a vehicle from Tess Everis.
Amanda Holliday should sell better vehicles because she is the shipwright and because she doesn't sell better vehicles she is one of the least used vendor's for things other than quests.
Amanda should also have her own exotic ship you can earn by doing a hard quest line or it is just very expensive.
Yet another under utilized trader.
I'd be happy with a ship that can nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Currently she and her missle bikes have killed me more than the vex, fallen, cabal, and hive combined. She seriously needs to think about stabilizing that propellant so it doesnt continue being a combat liability to ride your speeder. Zombie apocalypse? Natural disaster? Military Expirement goes wrong? Alien invasion??? Put a gun on your ride .... It's like, the golden rule of survival. Cmon holliday.
Really sad that Tess stole Amanda's job essentially
Amanda should play a bigger role than selling better Ships and Sparrows. She should be a Vendor for Vehicle based game modes. Like Ship Battles, Sparrow Racing, Drake Tank Wars, etc.
[quote]Amanda Holliday has always sold only green ships and sparrows throughout Destiny 2 and the only way to get good ships and sparrows is to do activities like gambit and strikes, or level up and get a vehicle from Tess Everis. Amanda Holliday should sell better vehicles because she is the shipwright and because she doesn't sell better vehicles she is one of the least used vendor's for things other than quests. Amanda should also have her own exotic ship you can earn by doing a hard quest line or it is just very expensive.[/quote] This. Can Bungie show Amanda some love? She one of the main characters.
They could probably make a kickass mod system for vehicles. They could add options for different engines, extra perks, and maybe even weapons.
Edited by Demon_XXVII: 4/9/2019 1:20:26 PMGo back onto Destiny 1 Race sparrows in SRL Play Combined Arms in Crucible (Was the option last night) Have a laugh with your clan mates See how it was much more fun ...
It‘s ebarressing that this eververse bitch sells better sparrows and ships than our shipwright amanda holliday
She needs 2 seat sparrows. How else am I suppose to pick up female guardians at the tower bar.
Yes, and what's point of 150 and lower speed sparrows? Why aren't exotic sparrows *ALL* fast summon? And WHY THE HELL AM I MADE OF TISSUE PAPER EVERY TIME I RIDE ONE!?!?!?!
Would be cool if she would sell fallen piked without guns...
ALL vendors need more loot. But we all know where half of the loot is going each season... [spoiler]Eververse[/spoiler]
It's been so damn long since I've been near her that I had completely forgotten that she had anything at all for sale.
She sold the same green crap in D1 as well. She needs to find a better supplier.
She needs to be the next character that dies. Don't need her.
Edited by CosmiQ-Toast: 4/9/2019 3:21:05 AMAMEN! or at least give you an option to craft your own. It would be cool to find parts out in the wild. Imagine accidently walking up to a piece of vex tech and it gives you an prompt to scan. Ghost scans it and tells you we could probably use a piece to create an enhanced sparrow, but we’ll also need some parts from vex enemies to complete it. Then amanda could put them together and youll have a super unique piece added to your inventory of sparrow parts.
Edited by sum12mezzwith: 4/9/2019 12:57:15 AMIt goes against bungies motto. "Don't change and avoid questions till forever" dont worry ill send this to our Developer team.
Yeah. A waste of code.
Edited by Hi im Al: 4/8/2019 1:28:05 PMEververse has taken that title, in fact she has taken a bunch of she the new taken king.
Everything went to Eververse you idiot. NPCs had to be stripped down to the bone to rake in the money.
OK... that's when you know a topic is trending... I clicked the Upvote when it said 47... and then it jumped to 60.
Can Amanda sell me a jeep? Preferably a Puma or a chupathingy? Must play mexican polka music
Yea! I mean, where are all the famous Nissan sparrows? And on what the heck does her sparrows run on? What fuel does this vehicles use? I have been running in circles for hours on the EDZ all day and haven't spotted a gas station....
It’ll only happen if we pay for them with silver.
I remember when blue and green ships looked better than Legendaries.