Object Classification: Safe
Containment Procedures: SCP 031 should be sealed in a glass clase at Site OT with three layers of iron bars surrounding said glass case. Laser trippers are set around the vicinity, and will release chemical agents resulting in anesthesia if a bodily agent approaching the case is not recognized as Site OT staff. SCP 031 must be cleaned once a month, with two D Class personnel being allowed to clean the outside while one wears SCP 031, allowing the inside to be cleaned after SCP 031-01, 031-02, or 031-03 has been experienced.
Description: SCP 031 is a set of knight’s armor carbon dated to have originated from the Dark Ages. Subject was found in Italy, [REDACTED] after being uncovered from the ruins of an antique castle. It was brought to the foundation’s attention after many reports from [REDACTED] stated that the armor was “cursed with the ghost of an ancient king”. SCP-031 was brought in with ease, with Class A amnesiatics being administered to all field workers.
SCP 031 exhibits anomalous properties when worn by any individual of any age, regardless if it fits the wearer or not. Any person inside SCP 031 will experience simulations that will seem real in that the wearer will experience realistic senses such as pain and fatigue. As exploration logs have recorded, there are only three recorded simulations experienced by SCP 031, dubbed SCP-031-01, SCP-031-02, and SCP-031-03.
Exploration Log 031-01
[quote] Subject: D-1211
Date: [REDACTED], [REDACTED], 2017
D-1211 was subjected to SCP 031 for experimental purposes when subject was first found and brought into Foundation control. D-1211 was chosen due to his strong build and stature that would make him ideal for fitting into the armor.
Shortly after wearing SCP 031, D-1211 reported seeing the ghost of a bearded man, that was “glowing blue and slumped over”. He noticed that as he moved his body in the simulation, he wore the armor on him. As he approached the man, the camera cut and the rest of the exploration was recorded via mic. D-1211 reported suddenly flashing into a crowded battlefield. D-1211 began to panic, and he reported that he had a golden hilted sword in his right hand, “feeling the weight of it”. Foundation Personnel instructed D-1211 to try and describe his current environment. His excerpt is recorded below:
“I see blood and blood. Just blood everywhere. My own warriors.... how do I know these are my warriors? I just know. My warriors fighting to the death because of me... all because of me... and all I can do is stand around and watch, this damned sword in hand, good for nothing. I feel guilt and fear. I feel my heart die with every dismembered warrior I see. I feel my soul leaving my body as each of my men are massacred. I have to change this.”
D-1211 reportedly saw the battlefield fade away, and he found himself back in the interior of the armor.
Exploration Log 031-02
[quote] D-1211 was asked to wear SCP-031 shortly after SCP-031-01 was experienced. His health, mental and physical, did not seem affected from wearing SCP-031 and experiencing its simulation. D-1211 wore SCP-031 again, and similarly to SCP-031-01, D-1211 found himself in the battlefield, describing it as the same as the last battlefield. However, D-1211 found that he could move freely, and with Foundation approval, he ran into the clash. When Foundation personnel asked for a description, D-1211 responded with this:
“I see blood and blood. Just blood everywhere. Their warriors. These warriors are fighting to the death because of me... all because of me... and now they are dead... all because of me. I feel rage and justice. I feel my heart pump with every righteous strike. I feel my soul scream as I rip apart my enemies.”
D-1211 found himself back in SCP-031 again, this time, however, very brash. When brought out of SCP-031, D-1211 spoke in expletives for about two minutes before passing out.
Exploration Log 031-03
[quote]D-1211 was asked to wear SCP-031 once more. When transported to the simulation, however, he noticed the battlefield was littered with corpses of warriors, both of his and the enemy’s. He found himself unable to move on the ground. He saw what he described as a samurai stand above him. The samurai was described as wearing a western hat, reminiscent to those found in the Southern U.S. such as in Texas. D-1211 recited one last excerpt:
“I see blood and blood. Just blood everywhere. My blood. I am fighting because of my warriors... all because of me.... and now.. they are dead.... as well as I. A commander dies with his own.”
D-1211 felt exhilarating pain as the peculiar samurai shoved a sword into his chest. D-1211 behaved normally after the simulations. Research was terminated after one more round of experimentation.[/quote]
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