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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
4/5/2019 8:43:26 AM


As someone who HAS lunas I can confidently say that the state of competitive crucible is terrible. From constant throwers, afks, trolls, HUNTERS, match ups with God 4 stacks and 4 random level 20s, going for not forgotten and lunas is terrible. Now I'm not saying to change or remove lunas and not forgotten but jesus christ something needs to be done with comp in general I think one way to improve the comp experience for everyone is to improve on the "skill based matchmaking" and implement 2 new sub modes in comp, one for solos only, and one for stacks so solo players (like myself) won't be forced to go up against consistant 4 stack spectral blade abusing hunters. Now these are just a couple of ways that the competitive destiny experience and be change in ways for the better as competitive hasn't ever recieved an update to improve its experience. To me comp is just a more annoying quick play and the only reason I've stepped inside it is to grind for lunas and recluse. Alright I'm done being a baby, I just hope someone at bungie sees this and thinks about the competitive mode, because as it is now I don't see most people will try and go for recluse and lunas which is a shame considering how good they both are.

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