Greetings, Off-topic, this is the Brotherhood of Steel.
Since day one of this conflict we have been working with the Sheriff in the shadows to find and end the Outlaw threat. Having put moles inside the Outlaw camp, we were able to accurately predict Toaster's moves to an extent.
We planted the knowledge that Lee would be at Site OT and Toaster's men, if not Toaster itself, entered into battle.
I planted the half truth that there were spies in Toaster's camp, soon after, Toaster declared the end of the Outlaw's usefulness.
Using a link from one of my agents, the Brotherhood was able to gain access to the Outlaws chat group and launched an Atomic Molasses Cookie Bomb, destroying their old base.
The Sheriff have quickly stabilized the state of Site OT and we are happy to hear that none of Dr False's SCP'S were stolen.
Now Toaster is on his own, the Outlaws are reforming into the Society, and the Department temporarily withdraws even as the Templars once again rise up to fight for the Molasses Faithful.
To my men: thank you for your service in this first test of our tactics. Your efforts shall not go unrewarded!
To the Department: You have done an excellent job at protecting Off-topic and keeping it safe. Return soon, Sheriff.
To the Outlaws: You fought well, you should have nothing but pride to look back on after this worthy fight.
And finally to Toaster: I know this fight is only the beginning. We will be waiting as I'm sure you will be. May history look kindly on the both of us.
Stand Strong, Off-topic, Bring this terrorist to his knees, Remember the Cookie and its War, and AD VICTORIAM!
Edited by The Spoken: 3/12/2019 6:09:13 PMHi I'm snake!