...because developers nerfed obnoxiously overpowered weapons to an adequate state.
1. MG's had enormous damage per bullet, absolutely insane ammo capacity, and with MG's capacity perks on armor adding each 65 ammo was f*cking ridiculous. That's why that was nerfed. Because it was OP. Now MG's are still very good, even better then pretty much every other power weapon. But better not by the same margin they were before. They need some damage ners more IMO, maybe 10-15%.
2. WoTW was intended to be a high risk - high reward weapon. With 20 ammo it wasn't. Now, with 9 ammo, it actually is. You HAVE TO have good aim to utilise it, or you will run out of ammo very fast. This weapon takes only 20 minutes of actual gameplay to obtain (and maybe 1-2 hours of prepare, gathering a team, finding en event etc.) and had no downside. Now it has and it is somewhat closer to be balanced.
3. Shotguns with Trench Barrel were actually buffed. In PvE they have very high damage output per shot right now because of doubling damage per pellet, NOT SPREADING THE PELLETS ANYMORE and slow rate of fire that helps to control recoil. It's acually useful right now to melee every three shots instead of just melee and then firing full 8 (or 7) shots.
Cheesing first and last bosses in LW right now is waaay harder than it was before all thanks to lower overall damage output because of lowered ammo capacity to WoTW and sleeper and nerfed Machine Guns' damage versus bosses.
Personally i dont like Gambit, but i understand Bungie trying to force it on us. It is a major Forsaken feature, after all, and they want to develop it further. I have no problems with this. Still i, personally, probably wont play untill new Leviathan raid (or Raid Lair, as they were called in first released roadmap... Peperidge farm remembers...) or maybe just login for casual daily stuff. I just dont want to play a game that has a designer impotence and cant / doesnt have time (or resourses, maybe) to draw, model and texture actual new armor sets. Reusing so much content goes waay further my personal tolerance level.
Buddy tell me one thing, other than shotgun nerf, what problems did these nerfs fix? Oh yeah that’s right they didn’t fix anything! They only made weapons just way less versatile. Now you will never see whisper outside of raids, legendary machine guns were actually weaker than their d1 counterpart in PVP side and they were better than other legendary weapons because shockingly they were actually worth using over an exotic heavy unlike swords, grenade launchers, linear fusion rifles, and rocket launchers. Go back to D1 to see how swords and rocket launchers should function. Linear fusion rifles need more damage, Grenade launchers are something I haven’t tried yet.
Imagine you worked really hard for a raise at work, you got that promotion, you feel like a boss. Now your company has lowered your wages and demoted you and you agree with it... This is how you sound
This post should read “ community is about to riot “ & it you fault bungie 🤬
Edited by blade329: 3/8/2019 7:25:00 PM[quote]...because developers nerfed obnoxiously overpowered weapons to an adequate state.[/quote] Yeah, who goes in to a loot based game to use powerful weapons? That's just crazy talk. Powerful weapons bother me, when other players use them. It's just not right. All the guns in this game should be the same. (dripping sarcasm)
I'm starting to just hang around the lore section. That side of the community for the most part is friendly and you won't hardly find anything negative or juvenile over there.
NO YOU jk, its actually pretty toxic :(
They didn't nerf the most obvious overpowered guns. They still trying to hold on to the 3 pvp streamers and all of their 100 viewers
I remember when og black hammer only had 12 or so rounds and no one complained until they ruined white nail