"Is it clear, Lee?" Bop's voice was barely over a whisper as he watched Lee, who was himself watching the alleyway.
Lee took a parting look down the alley before turning to Bop and Zhenya. "We're good, come on."
The three swiftly dashed across the street from their hiding place behind dumpsters. They quickly arrived at the other side and their goal: A steel grating laying over a deep hole.
According to rumor, beneath that grate was the Trojan underbelly. The Black Market was known to the Trojan officials of course, but with all the duties of ruling and defending one of the last enclaves of humanity they had little interest in stopping the Underworld. Because of this, the Black Market thrived and was a reliable, if not reputable, place to get what you needed.
Lee and Bop got on either side of the grate and made an attempt at lifting it, but to no avail.
"Blasted thing, budge!" Lee told the inanimate object.
From behind them they heard Zhenya's voice, "I do it. "
Stepping up to the grate, Zhenya took hold of the bars and in one concerted strain brought the grating right off the hole.
"Perfect!" Bop exclaimed as he quickly brought rope out of a sack tied to his waist. He dropped the rope down the abyss and marveled at how deep it seemed to go. Only one way to know for sure how deep it went.
After what seemed like hours of downward climbing, the trio, at last, reached the bottom. Before them stretched a long, morbid tunnelway that reportedly would spit them out in the Black Market.
They spoke little as they traversed the dark cave. It was safe to say that none of them would feel comfortable for small talk until they were off Troy.
All of sudden, a bright light could be made out up ahead. The three cautiously approached, trying hard to stay in the shadows. Nearing the source, a large exit tunnel, they sent Bop up ahead to scout the next room.
Several tense moments followed as the two awaited their comrades return. At last, Bop's head looked around the corner and looked at them.
"All's clear, the Market's just up ahead. "
Following Bop, the group headed down the passage all the way down until they noticed a difference in atmosphere. The air became cleaner and there were lights strung across the length of the ceiling. Right up ahead was a massive, steel door, bolted shut and guarded by fierce looking men.
As the trio came into view, the hired guns hailed them.
"Stop right there! What's your business here, eh?"
The man leveled his rifle at the three while his fellow guards did the same.
Zhenya crossed his arms at the challenge, ready to engage if necessary, even if it were futile.I
Bop, who had a gun they had taken from their captors, let his hand stray to his weapon.
Meanwhile, Lee took a step forward and addressed the men. "We're here to see the Over Boss. We had a...run in with the law, and we need a ship to get off Troy."
One of the guards brought out a flat object from their pocket. It had a small and yellow button on it that the guard proceeded to press. The moment they did so, a pulse came out from the walls and scanned the escaped prisoners.
The guard nodded to the others. "They're tellin' the truth, they're good."
The guards soon had walked to the side as the massive door opened up to reveal the Trojan Black Market.
It was oddly beautiful, in an odd and exotic way. All sorts of tapestries of bright blue, red, and purple were hung from the walls and ceilings, while bright strands of roped lights zig zagged from side to side in the room. On ground level there were dozens of stalls and bins filled with raucous crowds of buyers and sellers.
"Come on," Zhenya said. "Let's vind Boss."
The trio headed into the crowds, hoping to find their way off this blasted ship somewhere in this dangerous market...
In the docks of Troy, another trio set out to find their goal. Only thing was, their goal was to find the prisoners. What they'd do when they found them was anyone's guess.
[u]Choices For Characters:
The Boss of the Market (Clyde-4):
1. Sell a ship to the trio peacefully and simply run your business.
2. Sell them a ship, but bug and wire it so you can track them and steal their goods later.
3. Try to capture them and sell them back to Troy.
4. Give them a discount if they do a small favor for you.
[Let Me Know In Pms For This One To Maintain Surprise.][/u]
[quote]Trojan Black[/quote] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)