Loot Crate: *laying in a field of tall white grass, holding his forehead*. "My head...."
(Loot slowly pulls himself off the ground to his feet and puts his hat with a loot box emblem back on)
Loot Crate: *adjusting his hat*. "...."
(An unknown person grabs Loot's shoulder from behind and turns him around)
Xenon: *staring at Loot*. "Don't resist, we need to find an escape."
TheThreaT: *standing by quietly next to Xenon*. "...."
Loot Crate: *confused expression*. "An escape? What's going on?"
Xenon: *points to the sky*. "Haven't you noticed? Whatever's above the clouds, it's got me scared and we need to leave."
Loot Crate: *thoughts racing through his head*. "okay okay but, how did you find me??"
TheThreaT: *menacing voice*. "I did, not Xenon. Just do what he says, no more questions for now."
Loot Crate: *nods*. "..."
BatPug74: *sitting in darkness*. "I should be dead."
(A mirror appears in front of BatPug showing only his reflection back to him)
???: "are you not?"
BatPug74: "tsk, who cares, I did what I wanted to do. Am I supposed to make some comeback now? Safe the leftovers after murdering a couple of them? Hah! Not me.
???: "you didn't die alone. Another is in this existence with you, find him."
(BatPug punches the mirror in a fit of rage)
BatPug74: "why can't this end already?!! ....I don't want to go back...."
(The mirror vanishes and a bright light shines into BatPug's face from a distance)
BatPug74: *adjusts his eyes to the light*. "Is that supposed to be my exit?"
(BatPug walks towards the light, the closer he gets the more it fades away.)
BatPug74: *confused*. "What the hell?"
(BatPug runs quicker towards the light and slams into a mirror)
BatPug74: *gets up and stares into the mirror*. "That's.....the guy I was fighting with..."
(A force from behind pushes BatPug into the mirror and he slides through.)
BatPug74: *falls on top of Saitonia*. "Ugh!"
Saitonia: *pushes Bat off*. "What?? No! My story is over! How are you here?"
BatPug74: *quickly recovers*. "I'm wondering the same thing honestly."
Saitonia: "this doesn't change anything between us, especially what you did to Adidas, that was unforgivable."
BatPug74: "whatever dude, that was all in a past life. I've got more important things on my mind than squashing some bugs."
Saitonia: "we're still in complete darkness. Did you notice any change?"
BatPug74: "nope!"
(Once again, the bright light in the distance appears to Sai and Bat)
BatPug74: *looks to Sai*. "That's supposed to be our ticket out of here."
Saitonia: *thinks for a second*. "Alright, nothing like a fourth chance is there?"
BatPug74: "hah! Whatever."
(Sai and Bat run to the light.)
(In Caius's bunker where the main group was resting up)
Worm: *heavy sigh*. "Let's not sulk any longer, I'd rather die fighting than starving to death."
HammerFist: *pumped*. "Right on Worm!"
Jay: *nods in agreement*. "There's always an escape, we just need to try."
Disciple: *sitting in a corner thinking of Snowy*. "....."
Worm: *looks to Disciple*. "Dude, are you good?"
Disciple: *shaky voice*. "Um, just ignore me...."
Darth Turtle: *looks around at everyone*. "So who's leading this suicide squad?"
HammerFist: *pumps his chest*. "I'm obviously second in command so I'll take charge!"
Artemis: *disappointment*. "And your plan exactly is what Hammer?"
HammerFist: "So what we are gonna do is go out there and explore! Like true adventures! And then, we'll crush anything in our path and cruise out of here with style."
Davy: *chuckles*. "Works with me."
Jay: *touches Hammer's shoulder*. "Finding Loot should be the main priority dude."
HammerFist: "oh, right. Then we'll find Loot!"
(End) [spoiler]Don't ask.[/spoiler]
Edited by ZoniCat: 2/10/2019 1:23:58 AM[quote][i]Adjusts collar and tie.[/i] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote] ^Wyoming [spoiler]Actually this one wasn't terrible. Good luck.[/spoiler]
Glad to see the story back man. Why did you start the story back up?
guess who’s back back again asterisks back tell a friend
[quote][b]Toaster liked that[/b][/quote]
I expect atleast a dozen sky tentacles.
Asterisk is like a drug [spoiler]it's hard to quit[/spoiler]
Bat is joining forces with us?! What?
In spite of my previously cheerful comment, I’m scared for the consequences of me and Sai being still alive. We just got jailbreaked from hell by either a Demon Lord, Caius, Or Death. They are probably going to want something in return. So we are either possessed, Cursed, or really owe someone on the pantheon a favor. And that’s probably not good 😐😓
I thought you quit
[spoiler]got bored huh[/spoiler]
Edited by Bat (Timelost): 2/9/2019 8:19:45 PM(???.) BatPug74: *sitting in darkness*. "I should be dead” Yes yes yes yes yes YES! [b][i]I may fall But not like this, it won’t be by your hand (I may fall) Not this place, not today! (I may fall) Bring all you got It’s not enough to take me down! I may fall![/i][/b]
... As a side note, apparently I am not one burnt crispy dude... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
Sweet [spoiler]Sips tea while being invested in the show/story[/spoiler]
Ooh, looks like we're back
Dog [spoiler]you can’t surprise me like this[/spoiler]
... THANK YOU SO F@CKING MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
I forgot that snowy died a brutal death RIP. [spoiler]Glad to see this back!! [/spoiler]