To answer a few questions you may have if you are new around here, due to the merger or other reasons;
[spoiler]1. God, Whose account has been renamed DefyHate (Explanation farther down), was a beloved user of offtopic. I cannot overstate his kindness and goodwill that seemed to bring out the best in people. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]2. DefyHate was the man who took over his account after he passed. For reasons unknown, the original user (God) gave away his account before he passed. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]3. Because of the former, you may believe God was just a troll, but upon very in depth research, courtesy of a user named ABZU, we have confirmed the original user died due to a long battle with Cancer. Gorrest Fump, a close and personal friend to the user in real life, provided us with specifics enough that we could track down who God was in real life, and confirm he did in fact pass away as he said. Gorrest Fump also reminded us that God truly loved offtopic, and more so the people in it. [/spoiler]
The value life holds can never be put into words. There are many people who have been taken from this world early, and many more who will. They leave tragic holes in our lives and leave us without fathers and mothers, which the world seems to desperately need more of every day. And so, to reuse an old quote;
[quote]I simply beg you too openly forgive, try not to hurt, and most importantly, never forget how this world we call home ravages us to pieces. Nonetheless, we persevere, not for those that stand with us, but for those who cannot.[/quote]
Does that mean you’re overdue...
I wasn't here for too long before god left but what I when I did see god he was an amazing person and someone i would love to know irl. I hope he has found peace, while he doesn't deserve what happened I hope that he is in a better place now. May He Rest in Peace
~ Rest in Eternity ~
Rest In Peace. You brought happiness to us all
I hope his daughter is doing ok.
Wish I could’ve met him in real life. He seemed like a cool dude.
That's sad RIP
Rest In Peace
Damn I almost cried the first time, almost did again. May he Rest In Peace
Never forget the best one of us all[spoiler]stop[/spoiler]
I don’t remember why, but he was on my blocked list.
F [i] [/i]
[i]I wish I was here soon enough to meet him.[/i]
April 14th right? Tragic day...
Thank you for reminding us. I wasn’t here when he was around but I can see he left a legacy behind him. The fact that #offtopic seems to care for each other is pretty amazing.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord And may perpetual light shine upon him. May he Rest In Peace. Amen.
Damn. I still remember that.
He lives on in all of us...
I remember that post. So sad, may he rest in peace.
Edited by Bat (Timelost): 2/7/2019 4:39:42 AMWell. I’m late. I unfortunately never got to meet God, but if you could somehow make Offtopic happy, you must have been a true legend. [b][i][u] 'Tis the last rose of summer, Left blooming alone; All her lovely companions Are faded and gone; No flower of her kindred, No rosebud is nigh, To reflect back her blushes, Or give sigh for sigh. I'll not leave thee, thou lone one! To pine on the stem; Since the lovely are sleeping, Go, sleep thou with them. Thus kindly I scatter.[/u][/i][/b]