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1/30/2019 4:35:35 AM

Every Warlock "Main" after the update

"I used to main this but it is gutted" *Doesn't bat an eye at the other two roaming supers* I actually want to see how many of these salt lords in the forums actually played warlock before Forsaken Like honestly I didn't even use Nova Warp, the other supers are still really good. Don't complain about stormcaller just because it doesn't tank everything like in TTK like NW pre-nerf.

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  • *laughs in stormcaller*

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    • I m kinda done with warlock 😒 its become a meme.

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    • Generally speaking, warlocks are the worst subclass for crucible now. They have some pretty okay supers, and some have pretty decent neutral game, but both titans and hunters have things that warlocks dream of. I've been maining warlock since Curse of Osiris, top tree dawnblade, and it's always frustrating seeing the other classes get some pretty awesome changes and exotics.

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      • Ummm I’ve Mained warlock since dark below and I’m not complaining, I just moved to stormcaller since it’s not that bad. I think it’s fine for a few to be upset about it considering the scale of blueberrys that can’t get last word and come to the fourms to complain

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        massa - old

        Just did a Mayhem. Me Warlock,other 5 were Hunters. The other team all Hunters. Why not just delete the Warlock class altogether.

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      • I’ll just continue to sit here till vortex nova bomb gets a 50% blast radius buff and it grants devour on kills. It’s only been asked by every -blam!-ing warlock since day 1.

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      • I only have a warlock. Never been a hunter or a Titan. I have a high KD. Warlocks are trash in Mayhem after today. Thanks.

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        I still like Warlock. Warlock and Hunter but I'll never just write off my Warlock. Sure I might not touch the Sticky Hands all that much but I like Dawnblade myself and all I wanted for Warlocks was a reason to even use Novabomb again. Now I have a Super I like, nothing to dislike about Warlocks and get to look fancy in a robe as I nuke people from orbit. If I had anything to be upset about it would be just about anything Hunter related but Hunters were created to be annoying at this point and that won't change. At least I get to listen to my Warlock brethren cry because Nova Warp was their crutch and they lost their only win condition.

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