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Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Sage: 1/29/2019 9:40:54 AM

[Forbes] Yes, 'Destiny 2' Needs To Cater More To Casuals (To Some Extent) Paul Tassi

I found this on my search because I felt slightly alienated in this community. I thought destiny was a game to escape with but it turns out since I have college, a farmers ins-investment firm, and music performances taking up a good chunk of my week.... I am too casual when I log on. In other words I am not welcome here, and neither are any other gamers unless you are willing to play the game 8-10 hours a day everyday of the week. In terms of casuals yes, I completely understand they move to the next shiny thing and ask for dumb things that yes.. before it was actually done. (Like the nerf to shotguns, golden gun, shoulder charge, universal remote, and Hand Cannons in D1- I WAS OUTSPOKEN OF MY HATRED OF THESE ACTIONS AND ANYONE WHO WANTED THESE NERFS CAUSE .... IT RUINED THE BALANCE- THEY NERFED SO MANY THINGS LOL. SADLY, most of the requests came from trials of osiris players- backed by casuals watching their streams.) I also understand that gaming is for all of those interested. When it came to this Forbes article, Paul Tassi did go in depth and disproved lots of notions against casuals. "Yes, 'Destiny 2' Needs To Cater More To Casuals (To Some Extent)" Paul Tassi: [b][u]For this forum thread, I wish to know your thoughts about Paul Tassi's approach to the casual players. [/u][/b] Let me make this clear. I really love Destiny and D2 is just warming up to me as I [b][u]JUST GOT IT, SORRY IF MY PLAYTIME ISN'T 1000 HOURS YET. I GOT IT AROUND JAN. [/u][/b] I want this game to succeed and I want this community to succeed as well. I absolutely hate the toxic people here- most of whom are just coming from rage quitting OR are a hardcore player who made an alt account so they can troll. I ask YOUR thoughts on this stuff. Give me a constructive answer- or else you will be disrupting my DISCUSSION. A discussion and thread about this topic is meant so I can see other people's sides and views and I can learn more about this community as a lot changed in the 4 years I was here. Thank you all for your responses in advance. Sorry if I cannot get to all of you. LET ME SAY THIS AGAIN. Every type of gamer is important to me- and in a game like this- our goal should be as a community to make it as fun as possible. Look at the population in destiny tracker. A community can make or break this game. Bungie is also a big factor.... but we as a community can make an environment even they can't truly ruin! [spoiler]IF I see any disruption, name calling, and anything that does not contribute to benefit this place as a whole I shall mute and report you. [/spoiler] [spoiler]Great responses so far!![/spoiler] [b][u]EDIT 1[/u][/b] I love all these responses so far and it is a priviledge to see other Points of View on this matter. Thank you all!!!

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  • Edited by AAAbuser: 1/29/2019 4:01:08 PM
    Casual players require content though and in the last year of Destiny 2's life cycle real content is simply not part of the plan for Bungie. The hardcore players just want some goals, and apparently check list content that just puts arbitrary numbers in front of the same old content (kill 500 of this, clear the raid 28 times while walking backwards, play 6000 crucible matches on a NES-controller) is more than enough for the hardcore crowd. The last word quest today will be the exact same bs, just as the dorn quest in March or all other weapon quests to keep players busy. That's also why the hardcore players are the ones advocating for the infusion cores to stay, they just like this artificial bounty type content. They just need someone to throw the stick, so they can go chase it. Bungie realized that it's way cheaper to cater to this crowd which also has the benefit of getting free PR from the streamers so they can stream their raid clears for the millionth time. I'm sure they will try to offer something for the more casual players again, but not before Destiny 3. And anyone without the anal pass is pretty much f'ed right now anyway, as they'll just get a whole lot of nothing.

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