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1/17/2019 4:17:37 AM

AsteriskV2 Season 2 Part 17. (End)

(At the destroyed Temple) Xenon: *finds broken pieces from BatPug's body*. "Hmm, guess they got him." TheThreaT: *looking at the sky*. "We should really leave about now." Xenon: *smashes his fist into the ground*. "What are you so afraid of? That divine isn't going to do shit, at least, not to me heh..." (The sky darkens and heat lightning flashes rapidly above the clouds as a large tentacle reveals itself) TheThreaT: "...." Xenon: "...." ---------------------------------------------------------- (An unknown location) Caius: *drops everyone onto the floor*. "Sorry about that." Jay: *looking at his group members*. "Where are Adidas, Loot and Sai?" False: "Adidas and Sai were fighting the robot dude......I couldn't help them..." Jay: "they're dead??" False: "I don't know...." Worm: "damn, if that creature hadn't shown up, I would've mopped that guy in the face mask." Disciple: *gets up*. "That guy in the face mask, was Xenon." Davy: "woah woah! For real? I mean, something did seem off." Disciple: "it's our fault this should have been me instead of Snowy...." Worm: "don't think like that Disciple, what Snowy did was unforgettable." HammerFist: *sitting silently*. Disciple: *heavy sigh*. "So then, why are we here?" Caius: *stern tone*. "for protection. There is no outcome for you that will result in happiness, let's settle that now." HammerFist: "ugh! Then what's the point of going on? Everything's turning to shit." Caius: "that is just the way it goes. Had Earth not destroyed itself after the millions of years then that would be a suitable place to end your journey but, it's gone." HammerFist: "so where do we go? What do we do? I'm feeling the affects of hunger again...." Caius: "yes well, now that you are out of the dungeon, your natural body needs are back to normal. I do have a small supply of items in the back room, should satisfy you." Jay: *short cough*. "So, who exactly are you?" Caius: "long story short, I am the creator of this world and the tower that was destroyed." Jay: "uh, that doesn't really make any sense. If you're the creator, why do you seem so out of place?" Caius: "sigh. I could not hold my position any longer, after many years and other divines like myself coming here from other dimensions, things got out of hand. So then I created the dungeon tower game as a distraction." Jay: "things got out of hand? How?" Caius: "with all these divines from countless dimensions migrating to this world, they started to attack one another which never ends well. I did what i could to get them not to fight but now that the tower is gone, it's only a matter of time before things return to the old ways of chaos." Darth Turtle: "great! We're fùcked!" Jay: *still speaking to Caius*. "And there's no way to stop this from happening?" Caius: "majority of my original power has been drained from me. I regret creating this world, so I'd be glad to see it collapse into darkness." Davy: "tsk! Surely that's not your thought process. If it was, why are you helping us?" Caius: "well, perhaps there's a slight chance that I believe the rest of you can kill the divines." Worm: "dude, are you serious? We're not doing that, we can't." Disciple: "we're dead....." Caius: "if I had not shown up to save you from your opponent, all of you would be dead by now. I have offered you all a second chance but, now that I think about it, The Void is the only dimension that is safe to travel through." Disciple: *holding the amulet in his pocket*. "...." Worm: "I don't believe we are dead, we will find a way forward with or without your help Caius." Caius: "as you may, or may not." Artemis: "can we leave already?" Worm: *stands up near Caius*. "I thought I had faith in you, but now I realize you are nothing but a coward." Caius: "...." Worm: *walks away*. (Caius warps out, leaving the group in the bunker room.) Jay: "wow...." HammerFist: *claps his hands together*. "Alright! Let's not give up just yet, we need to find Loot." Darth Turtle: "what's the point? He's probably already dead." HammerFist: *speaking to Turtle*. "he's our friend and ally dickhead." Darth Turtle: "whatever, I'm toast." Davy: "if Loot were here he'd say something smart right about now." Worm: "true." Jay: "are we gonna head out or stay here longer?" Artemis: "I think we should rest honestly." Jay: "fine." (As the group is resting, Disciple takes his amulet out of his pocket and examines it.) Disciple: *trying to open it*. "This thing has to mean something." (The amulet pops open and a gold light inside shines into Disciple's eye.) Disciple: "....the end?" ------------------------------------------------------ (???) Saitonia: *nothing but darkness*. "am I dead? Woah, I can't hear my voice." (Saitonia tries to walk forward and a glass mirror appears in front of him.) Saitonia: *looking in the mirror*. "I see, the others as they are resting in a concrete room?" (Saitonia presses his hand against the mirror and it shatters into hundreds of pieces filled with flames.) Saitonia: "I am dead. Didn't think that's how I would officially end...." (Saitonia looks at both his hands as his body starts to fade away, into nothing.) Saitonia: *whispers*. "There's always a way forward, even in death......" ----------------------------------------------------- (End) [spoiler]end of Season 2. [/spoiler]

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  • [quote](The sky darkens and heat lightning flashes rapidly above the clouds as a large tentacle reveals itself)[/quote] I like where this is goin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    • [i]This is where the fun begins[/i]

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    • Bump!

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    • [spoiler]could I met myself if we go to the void?[/spoiler]

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      • Edited by Bat (Timelost): 1/17/2019 5:35:57 AM
        Lol, it appears my story is over :) I really liked being part of this story. I also had a pretty impressive kill count. I think I killed the most people? Nate, Adidas, and Sai. Whatever. Thus, kindly, I scatter. [spoiler]I could be rebuilt though... [b][i][u]EDIT: wait, only if Xenon and Threat didn’t just die to a hentai tentacle [/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]

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        • [quote]HammerFist: "so where do we go? What do we do? I'm feeling the [u]affects[/u] of hunger again...." *effects[/quote] ^Wyoming

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        • ... Actually I'm toast, burnt toast that is... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]

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          • [quote]Darth Turtle: "whatever, I'm toast."[/quote] DID SOMEONE SAY [b][i]TOAST[/i][/b]!?!?

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          • Edited by Disciple4Christ4: 1/17/2019 6:44:46 AM
            So im assuming it's a good thing that I hid the amulet? The others probably would have taken it, or TT and xenon might have gotten it

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          • Edited by ThyLordIntrovert: 1/17/2019 5:35:14 AM
            Not the ending I was expecting, wasn't bad though [spoiler]constructive criticism/feedback So we're at the end of another season, this end felt more like a set-up for another season. Don't know if you've got anything planned. Compared to the original asterisk your writing has improved, while still maintaining its bloody, punchy, and over the top style. Think this season holds the record for longest without a death, which was good for some character development. My only major criticism was snowy's death didn't have enough of an emotional impact on disciples character primarily, considering the events that led up to this point, he yelled no, said it should have been me, and that's about it. Anyway, keep it up, overall good work this season[/spoiler] Ok, double checked part 16, adjusted feedback accordingly

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            • [b][i][u]CTHULHU[/u][/i][/b]

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            • ... Really excited to see what happens next, if anything, if it ends here, well, that would remind me of Series of Unfortunate Events actually... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]

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            • Hmm... interesting conclusion... [spoiler]Lost some good people. Hopefully Loot is ok. Any plans for a 3rd season?[/spoiler]

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              • Bump

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              • Then in Season 3 (if there will be one), I'll probably be between life and death, talking to a spirit, then being sent to the living world to get scolded and criticized by my group or something, like in A New World. Gotta love my character.

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