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Edited by Rat: 1/8/2019 10:11:19 AM

New exotic armor concepts and ideas

Hi everyone, I was thinking for the last few days about some new interesting exotic stuff and I finally managed to come up with ideas for every piece of stuff. Of course I used some perks already exixting in the game but the point is about what we don't have so please take a quick look and give me your feed back. Also upvote this so maybe we can manage to add content to the game. Edit 1: if your comment concern a specific piece please write it at the beginning of the message so i can relate more easily. Edit 2: I tried to traduce it but maybe you won't understand some things. Just tell me and I explain it. Adapted vision (Hunter helmet) Choose from the helmet perks the zoom ratio (low, median, strong) that you want, which is applied to all weapons. Ballistic force (Hunter gauntlets) Knives are thrown linear (like a kunai) and their precision damage is increased. Pearl of the Void (Hunter chest armor) Spike grenade fire earlier, have a larger area of effect, and last longer. Perfect escape (Hunter boots) Dodging at the end of a slip makes you invisible. Steel jaws (Titan helmet) Towering barricade now has a small window in the center. Aluminum flexibility (Titan gauntlets) You draw and reload your weapons faster. The smaller the weapon is, the sooner it is ready to use. Iron chest (Titan chest armor) You do not suffer from your own grenades. Lead soles (Titan boots) Allows you to dive to the ground like a Warlock. Infinite connection (Warlock helmet) The enemies you hit are more vulnerable to allied damage. Mental grip (Warlock gauntlets) Enemies caught in an area grenade do not try to escape from it and the ones nearby are attracted to it. Permeable jacket (Warlock chest armor) You recover energy ammunition corresponding to the element of the damage that you receive. Roots (Warlock boots) When you are crouching, you move less quickly but the recoil of your weapons is greatly decreased.

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