Want to test the creativity of the community on making a super. Lets see what you can come up with. Go nuts, sky's the limit.
For the Warlocks it's a void subclass meant to be hyper offensive, sacrificing their body, and possibly sanity while empowering allies to overcome any fight, and it's gonna be based around death, and necromancy. The class's strengths is dependent on how well they are at staying alive, the longer you are alive, the better the result.
Super: Necromancy
-Wield a void scythe, light attacks(R1) causes you to slash the target infront of you, heavy attacks(R2) charges your attack for a ranged shockwave which increases in damage the further it travels. Grenade(L1) ability brings back fallen allies on a 1 second cooldown. Using any remaining super energy allows(Super activation, L1/R1) you to place a death field, enemies caught in it are consumed by the void and are brought back as mindless bloodthirsty zombies. Any allies that die inside the field are brought back from the dead, and in a state of invincibility(5 seconds). If the caster dies with full super energy, the caster can be brought back from the dead(Classic self res) along with nearby allies in ship shape condition(Full grenade and melee energy)
Grenade: Bloody Onslaught(Hold grenade ability)
-Cut yourself to go into a state of homicidal fury, increasing the damage of your weapons and abilities(Damage buff is equal to that of Kill Clip, lasts 15 seconds). Kills add more time, the more powerful the foe is, the better the duration(3 seconds for reds, 6 for yellows, 9 for mini bosses, 12 for bosses) Inflicts damage on you(Half health if full, puts you in red if less than half, can not be used if in red)
Melee: Terrify
-Ranged melee attack that applies Paranoia. Enemies inflicted with Paranoia are then feared of the Warlock, and not know the difference between friend or foe(Disorients foes)
Passive: Zombify
-When low on health, enter a bloodthirsty, zombified state(15 seconds), melee kills instantly kill foes and heal you, receiving the "Dark Rites" buff which allows you to consume grenade energy to revive an ally(Ranged revive), stacks up to 5x(The amount of stacks you have is on how many allies you can revive). Failure to kill while in the zombified state, converts super energy into blood orbs which speed up the rate of ally super energy(Same speed as harmony). Or save all stacks of Dark Rites and revive those who have fallen. Both ally and foe.
Sun Piercer Hunter solar subclass Super: Huntsman’s Star - Solar Spear that can jab if using a normal Melee, slam if Melee jumping, be thrown and be charged. Melee: Solar Net - throw a net that holds enemies in place. Passive: Hunter’s Eyes - sounds of enemies and allies outline them for 5 seconds (they show up through walls) Passive: Bitter Mercy - killing enemies tangled with nets gives the Bitter Mercy buff (Basically rampage but for abilities)
Edited by Tâxx, Herald of the IRS: 11/29/2018 6:00:06 PMNew Sentinel skill tree [spoiler][b]Code of the Crusader[/b] -Nova Strike/Melee Ability: Press RB to encase your fists in Void Light and strike your enemies, creating an explosion of void light that deals heavy damage. -Dome of Dawn: Replaces your class ability with a weaker version of the Ward of Dawn. Absorbing damage with your class ability grants super and class ability energy. Notes: -Looks pretty much just like the Ward of Dawn only a little bit smaller. -It does not damage or stun enemies like the barricade does. -Perk 2: Drain the life of enemies who enter your Ward and Dome of Dawn -Mobile Fortress: Replaces Sentinel Shield with Ward of Dawn. Allies who pass through your Ward of Dawn get drastically increased ability regeneration. Holding LB + RB when casting your super locks you inside your Ward of Dawn, allowing it to move with you and granting a massive boost in ability damage to allies who pass through your Ward of Dawn. Notes: -You do have the option to pop your bubble normally, however it doesn't grant the ability damage buff. -While locked inside your bubble, you cannot shoot. You can however headbutt enemies with RB (does slightly more damage than a regular melee), walk, and sprint (though sprint is slower while locked inside your bubble).[/spoiler] New Titan Subclass [spoiler][b]Centurion[/b] Element: Solar Grenades: -Solar Grenade -Incendiary Grenade -Fusion Grenade Super: Siege Axe [Summon a large 2-handed battle axe (like the Iron Axe). RB: Light swings. Can be chained into a 1-2-3 combo. RT: Charge forwards while preforming a heavy slash. Can be chained into a 1-2-3 combo.] [b]Code of the War-Born[/b] -Wildfire Impact/Melee Ability: A high damage melee that spread burn damage go nearby enemies. -Perk 2/Passive: Damaging enemies with Wildfire Impact grants ability energy. Killing burning enemies also grants ability energy. -Perk 3/Passive: Super kills extend super duration. -Perk 4/Super Modifier: Tap RT while in the air charges your Siege Axe for an AoE slam. Hold RT to charge your axe for increased damage. [/spoiler]
Warlock void super: Nova Nuke Activate to wipe out entire battlefield, enemies and teammates alike. For those times when you just get completely fed up with [i]everyone's[/i] crap.
Super: thanos car. Power: instantly snaps away enemies in raids making it super easy to fight bosses
Chaos Reacharound Pretty similar to the current Chaos Reach super, but the beam fires from a different place and it requires another Guardian to assist activation. Does 2.5 times normal damage if the other Guardians super is also at full at the point of release, and increases the games PEGI rating.
Titan solar Super... Giant flaming machine gun with D.O.T damage(you get the idea)(time limit super designed to stay in one place) (burning effect stacks) rate of fire of super increases as the trigger is held, at the cost of mobility (takes a little time to regain mobility) Melee flame wall in front of you reduces damage the flame wall kinda bursts forward flames go around you as you damage things with solar ability damage, damaging things near you and reducing incoming damage
HUNTER - This kit is based around high mechanical skill in exchange for highly rewarding plays. Super: Way of the Vampire (no sparkles) (Activating the super summons removes the weapon from your hands. You have two new abilities. Using these abilities to close the gap on your enemies, you use your bare hands to rip the enemy apart to feed your streak) Grenade button is Portable Portal. You throw it and activate it. Once activated, you dissappear and reappear at the location of your thrown portal (180 degrees from the direction you were facing when you threw it). This has a 7 second natural cooldown. It refreshes on a kill. Melee button allows you to do a standard melee (should you be close enough) or throw a chain that is wrapped around your arm out in front of you and pull and enemy toward you (like Roadhog hook in OW but much less range and NO aim assist). When either of these conditions are met, you literally tear them apart in an explosion of purple and crimson void energy as the energy heals you and any allies around you, refreshes all cooldowns and grants extra movement speed. The chain pull has a cooldown to punish you if you miss. Standard abilities when out of super are standard Nighstalker ones (smoke and void nades)
Warlock super: Will of angels Subclass: Dawnblade Grenade: charge fusion grenade to create mini super nova that turns enemies into more super novas Melee: charge to cast a fire bolt that tracks enemies, tap to incinerate enemy and cause them to explode. Rift: jumping and pressing rift causes muni well of radiance Super: cast a powerful dawnblade with insane grenade charge time. (Mix dawnblade and sun singer together). When killed use super to revive.
I’d probably give Titans a flaming maul similar to the one The Hangman has I’m not creative enough to come up with trees or names for it but maybe someone else will find inspiration in this
It’s called Kaiju. It is a roaming Chaos Reach, but with less impact and it’s for Titans.
Nova warp gets replaced by roaming nova bomb with obviously smaller radius
Edited by Tâxx, Herald of the IRS: 11/28/2018 11:01:58 PMNew Striker skill tree [spoiler][b]Code of the Thunderer[/b] -Thunderus Rage/Melee Ability: Hold RB to charge your fists with Arc Light. Press RB to punch your enemies. Notes: -This would basically be like a mini super. You go into 3rd person and run around for a short time beating people to death with your fists (though you can't use the slam). -Perk 2/Passive: Killing enemies with Thunderus Rage grants ability energy when it ends. -Perk 3/Passive: While super is active, melee kills extend super duration. -Storm Fists/Super: Charge your body with the force of an Arc Storm. RB: A 1-2-3 combo ending with an explosion (like the light attack on Sentinel Shield). RT: Slam the ground with your right fist, creating an explosion and chaining arc damage to nearby enemies. Notes: --Can do combos like Arcstaff. --The light attack counts as a melee while the heavy attack does not.[/spoiler]
Edited by jdnavster: 11/27/2018 10:40:57 PMClass: Hunter Light: Void ~Way of the Predator~ Tier 1: Serpents reach (super) The light of your enemies lies just beyond your reach. Summon a pair of arcing void whips to reach out and take it. • Light attack: Press R1 or L1 to rapidly strike with your whips, guardians struck return health (1/8 full health per strike). (Struck enemies experience knock back and stagger) • Heavy attack: press R2 to ensnare your enemies and drain their light. While draining light you gain up to 70% of your full health back. (Can only ensnare one guardian at a time) (tkk is • Press R1+ L1 to slam both whips into the ground unleashing a devastating pulse at the cost of your entire super. (AoE range shrinks in relation to the amount of super remaining when used) (AoE does not go through walls) Tier 2: Prismatic siphon (melee) Atune your hunger to the light of others. • strike with this over charged melee to drain the light of others. - guardian hits drain 1/6 of maximum super energy and convert that into 3 small motes of light - guardian kills drop 4 small motes - hitting or killing a guardian in super adds a suppression effect and drops 2 large motes of light. - hitting a pve enemy drops 3 large motes and adds suppression - pve kills drop 4 large motes Tier 3: Threat assessment To be effective often puts you in harms way, make a quick escape from those who would wish you harm. • after a successful hit with Prismatic Siphon unleash a blinding AoE burst and gain brief invisibility. Tier 4: Apex predator There is no one else, you are alone at the top •picking up the motes created by your abilities reduces the cool down of your abilities along with a boost to movement speed and weapon handling. (Lasts 5 seconds, 4-0) (cool down 3 seconds between activations, does not stack) Subclass exotic helmet: sidewinder’s visage “See. Strike. Feed” Exotic perk: stone cold gaze • causing grenade damage activates apex predator, while apex predator is active gain true sight. Note* the motes created by prismatic siphon act like motes dropped by masterwork weapons. They can be picked up by the guardian who generated them. Edit: added additional effect to light super attack
Nova warp, but it last forever and has infinite damage and range
No idea for new abilities just visuals, Corrupted Gaurdians, their powers would have an ominous shadowy tone mixed in with the element of which ever subclass they used. Imagine the solar, arc, and void appearing Demonic. For example a golden gun for a corrupted Guardian would look like Thorn instead of Last Word, and the fire would some how visually give off a sense of pure malice. Basically the powers would look more ominous, Instead of divine firy wings a corrupted Dawnbreaker would have firy horns and a tail, the blade would be ebony and gold bathed in an ominous demonic hellfire.
Oathkeeper: all-class special. Unlocked through completing and maxing out all Subclasses, including the Forsaken additions, then completing five Valor resets or three Glory resets, as well as 3 Infamy resets (these would be able to be worked on simultaneously), then finally, completing a special quest from Petra Venj that takes the player into a hitherto unseen section of the Dreaming City. The final boss would function as a less-difficult raid boss, and to beat it you would need to use supers from all three subclasses depending on the type of damage it was doing to you currently (Void, Arc, or Solar). Otherwise it would keep healing. Once unlocked, the player chooses a damage type. This determines the grenade/melee/jump/class ability you would use,as they are carried over from the subclass of that element you already have unlocked (For example, a warlock who picked Oathkeeper of Arc would have the Stormcaller grenade and all that non-super stuff). The supers for all three damage types and classes is the same, it just looks different. This makes a great opportunity for a triumph (at least 200 points) that requires all 9 versions of Oathkeeper unlocked on your account. Super: Light unbridled The Guardian’s body becomes pure light accorded to the type of their choice. They hit the super button combo to release a beam of pure light, or (through an option in the subclass screen) it becomes a roaming super where the guardian can run around and kill things (geared for PvP). Lore: [i]The light lives in all places. In all things. You can block it. Try to trap it. even try to harness it. But you do not control the light. You would seek to use the Traveler as a simple tool, just another gun in your vault? The Oathkeeper laughs. The light chose you. The light owns you. The Oathkeeper alone understands. [b]The Traveler is the mind, and you are the hands. The Traveler is the master, and you are the servant. The Traveler’s fury is your will. You are unbent, unbridled, unleashed. You will stand alone against the Darkness and prevail. [/b][/i]
[b]Behemoth[/b] New Striker Subclass Super: Transform into a large, hulking mass of arc energy and rage, crushing anything in your path. (Basically you turn into a arc energy silhouette of the Hulk with you floating in the center) Heavy attack is a jump attack, where you jump into the air and come crashing back to the ground . and the light attack is a simple swipe with your fist, but both are enough to OHK a guardian. The only thing that can OHK another guardian is the Heavy attack, which costs more energy. Grenade: Adrenaline grenade Holding the grenade button with turn it into an adrenaline boost, and throwing it at you and your allies will giving them increased damage resistance and melee damage. Melee: Line-breaker Sprinting for a short time allows you to hurdle yourself in a straight line, traveling very fast across the battlefield and emitting lightning bolts to enemies you pass by. Passive Perk: Unstoppable fury Kills with your melee ability increase ability regeneration rate. Can stack up to 3 times. 1x= -10% 2x= -30% 3x= -50%
This one is for ARC. Tree Name: Thunderstorm: Cast your super and harness the power of a thunderstorm. Swift Wind that disrupts the vision, fierce lightening to damage or kill enemy, and thunder to stagger the enemy. Hunter Melee: Windblade Prison: throw a windblade that traps the enemy in a whirlpool of wind and arc for 3 seconds. When physically striking the enemy the same happens. Hunter Grenade: Blowback. Your grenade contains a bit of the force of hurricane winds that blows back the enemy and disrupts the vision. Also Delayed Blowback essentially the same as the hunters detonation grenade. Titan Version: Shattering Earth: The titans Arc super is an earth shattering force. When you cast your super you stomp the ground to deliver powerful earth splitting strikes combined with lightening that chains to groups of enemies. Titan Melee: quaking fist: strike an enemy with such force they are instantly staggered. Titan melee: Ground Pound: strike the ground with your foot to send streaks of arc into the air. Can be combined with Up and Up Grenade. Titan Grenade: Up and Up: Your grenade blows the enemy into the air briefly allowing you to strike the ground with your melee and chain lighting to each enemy. Warlock Version: Catastrophic Force: Warlocks strike the ground and rip up the earth with arc energy and slam rocks and enemies back down with immense power. Warlock Ability: Booming all around: Cause stones, and arc energy to float around you for 5 seconds. This can me combined with warlock melee. Warlock Melee: Strike an enemy with stones and lightening tp end them instantly.
So, from what I've gathered from this thread, we are a community of idea people, but if we were to design Destiny it would be one of the most unbalanced games on the planet.
Class: Warlock Subclass: Void Light Name: Attunement of Erosion Tier 1: Dark River Nova Bomb transforms into a river of Void Light, covering the terrain in a layer of destructive energy. Tier 2: Expulsion Melee Ability attacks propel enemies within a short distance away from the player with force. Tier 3: Blinding Darkness A charged Melee Ability will also cause enemies to become blinded by darkness for a short duration. Tier 4: Event Horizon Gravity succumbs to the Void, drawing in enemies with stronger pull the closer they are. Defeated enemies extend the duration of Dark River.
I still want one that increases my weapon damage and stability accuracy range etc as a hunter set like all of my light was out into my gun to over power it.
Edited by Kermit: 11/27/2018 5:09:01 PMSubclass: Activision's game design New super Activision's wrath: use to emit a large radius blast. Enemies caught in the blast have all of they're super energy and ability energy deleted. It's supposed to "hold back" their content. Melee Big Yeet: charge to teleport through the map cause f#ck you Grenade I want money: steal all of the opponents silver then take their credit card information.
A golden gun super with dual pistols
Edited by Soul_Reaper13: 11/27/2018 4:25:20 PMAll classes: Sentry (Kinetic Element) Super: Combat Support- Activate this super to throw a transmat grenade, when it lands on the ground, a combat frame will appear and automatically fire upon nearby enemies. 20 second Duration. This super can be upgraded with either better weaponry or more combat frames.
The Dinkle Summon the power of Peter Dinklage saying either WE'VE WOKEN THE HIVE or A CELL FROM THE PRISON OF ELDERS THE ARCHON PRIEST IS STILL INSIDE. Enemies die from the sheer magnitude of bass boosted cancer
Super: Poop on a Stick All classes, all subclasses. When a guardian pops this super they pull out a stick with poop on the end. All enemies flee in fear with the idea of possibly getting poop on them. If you tag an enemy, they have to stop and clean it up. Quite possibly the most dangerous weapon in the system.