(Continuing from Part 12 with mustard being teleported into the shadow realm)
HammerFist: “yo mustard! You’ve got an orb, throw it to me”
Mister mustard: “Where did I get an orb from??”
HammerFist: “who cares, throw it”
(Mustard throws the orb to Hammer and then Hammer throws it back. The orb this time has changed color from white to red. The barrier disappears that was keeping Hammer and mustard in the shadow realm, they are now back in the throne room with the others)
Texas Jedi: *notices the orb*. “Different color this time?”
HammerFist: “yeah, idk what’s up with it to be honest”
Mister mustard: “what do I do with it?”
HammerFist: “throw it at the boss, you’ll do damage to him”
Mister mustard: “here goes nothing”
Snowy: *notices something wrong with the orb*. “Wait....wait mustard!”
(Mustard runs up to Rudigator without hearing snowy and throws the orb, the orb hits Rudigator but the damage reflects back onto mustard and explodes him into a thousand pieces)
HammerFist: *shock*. “What??”
CobaltHunter: “....”
Snowy: “someone tell me he went back into the shadow realm...”
Rudigator: “ha! That one is dead now, for good, no shadow world for him. Perhaps you should’ve tested the orbs first”
TheChubbyNinja: *stumbling around*. “Test the orbs? How?”
CobaltHunter: “Damnit...”
(Snowy charges at Rudigator with blinding rage after what happened to mustard. Multiple arms appear from behind Rudigator and they grab snowy as he runs up, incinerating his insides with extreme heat)
Snowy: *screaming in pain from the heat*. “....I...I...”
Rudigator: “running up to me is against the rules....”
(The arms that were holding snowy rip him in half and blood spills across the throne. Everyone has no words for what just happened to mustard and snowy)
HammerFist: “....”
CobaltHunter: “.....”
MlonirSchrpang: “are....we, dead?”
Texas Jedi: *smacks himself*. “Not yet!”
Rudigator: “how about a hint for the orbs? White is damage, red is death, green is poison and black is despair”
TheChubbyNinja: “that doesn’t make any sense....why so many negative affects?”
HammerFist: “we aren’t getting teleported back into the shadow room....??”
Rudigator: “good....you noticed the change”
(The 4 color orbs drop down from the ceiling and the players are forced to pick them up. Hammer has green, Ninja has red, Texas has black, and MlonirSchrpang got white, cobalt is safe)
TheChubbyNinja: *freaking out*. “Why do I have red??!”
HammerFist: “what do we do?”
Rudigator: *hysterical laughing*. “Throw the orbs of course!”
TheChubbyNinja: “I’m dead...”
CobaltHunter: “.....”
HammerFist: “this isn’t good”
(End of Part 13)
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