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10/13/2018 5:02:35 AM

A Crucible streak system proposal.

Both systems work the same, but I feel inherent differences between Quickplay and competitive deserve further review in how streaks work. My proposal is as follows. Quickplay: As far as I know, no sbmm. Therefore there is more of a chance of losing a lot while consistently winning is more difficult. I propose that instead of losing your streak when you do lose, you go back one. So if you have a 3 win streak and you lose you go back to two, but still get points for a loss. Competitive really is in an okay spot. The point loss sucks, but if helps to give incentive to playing to win. Balance still needs some tweaking. Probably always will if the idea is to maintain a 50/50 win loss ratio. Gotta force lopsided games to keep that in order. And just in case, the way streaks work for Rumble are fine, to me.

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