All linear fusions except sleeper should get a slight Nerf and move to the energy slot.
I believe linear fusion rifles need to be moved to the energy slot, or the need a damage buff to put them into closer ranger to that of Sleeper simulant.
My reasoning for this is pretty simple. Linear fusion rifles are a hybrid sniper/fusion. They function much like a sniper in that they are made for precision. They do comparable damage to a sniper, or perhaps a bit more. Yet, they are a heavy weapon. Why? I feel like they got left in that slot with the Forsaken updates while shotguns fusions and snipers became special. The only ones that stayed behind in the heavy slot were the ones capable of extreme damage output that would obviously far outclass all other weapons of the same type. That or they would need to be nerfed, which would cause outrage and make them far less special.
So, Legend of Acrius, Tractor Cannon, D.A.R.C.I., and Whisper stay heavy. But why do linear fusions stay behind?
I feel like what plagued shotguns, fusions, and snipers in year 1 now plagues linear fusions. The exotic weapons in each class so obviously outclass the legendary weapons that no one would really choose to use those instead. The only real reason you wouldn't use the exotic was if you wanted to use a different one in another slot.
Why would I ever choose any linear fusion but sleeper? Why, only if there's a different exotic I want to use in another slot. Nerfing sleeper isn't the answer because it would no longer feel special, like an actual power weapon. So the better answer is, slightly Nerf all other linear fusions and move them to the energy slot.
At the moment the biggest issue is that Bungie backed themselves into a corner when they made special weapons into heavy. By doing that and making primary weapons into energy weapons, and now going back on that and moving them into the special category again... they've created a crowding situation. There are a ton of secondary weapons to choose from. However queensbreaker in D1 was a special weapon that was in no way overpowered and yet it had its uses. It was a good mix between fusion and sniper. It had lower zoom which made headshots easier, but the charge time made it difficult to land those headshots for kills. And switching back and forth had its tradeoffs. High zoom and long charge times for one hit kills, or low zoom fast charge time for two hit kills. My biggest issue right now is that LFRs see very little gameplay due to the competition they have in their weapon slot. The only way to make them better in that slot is to increase damage which borders on making them op, or decrease the damage of the other heavy weapons which makes them less powerful and therefore not as fun to use.
and tracer rifles should use primary ammo... also make other heavy weapons stronger so people want to use more then just sleeper
Already a crowded class with special don't think it's a great idea
No because then everything is a energy and having to choose would be hard. Linear and a sleeper combo would be too stupid for boss damage
No way. They have too much aim assist and low zoom, precise scopes for the energy slot. They would send snipers to a one way to the vault and even shotguns. As much as I like linear fusion rifles, no way they can be special. But an exotic special would be nice.
So pretty much you want the equivalent of a bow that one shots? Think that through for a second
That would make the choice between sniper and linear meaningless. Wouldn’t they be the same thing? I like them in the heavy slot. Just my opinion
Personally, I think they should deal more damage than they do, because many snipers in the special slot still outdps them by quite a margin, but otherwise keep them in the heavy slot. More specifically, increase base damage by quite a bit, and decrease their precision multiplier slightly so you end up with significantly higher bodyshot damage than current, and a fair bit higher precision damage as well, just not as much of an increase as the bodyshot damage gets. Though one last change: [b]Make Queenbreaker a special, not a heavy[/b] Seriously, the only difference between Queenbreaker, an [i]exotic[/i], and a Crooked Fang is that the queenbreaker can have faster charge time with less damage, or slower charge time with more damage, but it's not like it has really good dps like sleeper, or anything else going for it. Sure, Queenbreaker can blind enemies on hit, but that is so situational, because with linears, enemies tend to either die in one shot, or if they don't they're often immune to status effects like blinding and suppression (and idk about you, but I'm not using my heavy weapon and my exotic just to blind people, it's like single shot GLs in Y1) They carry the same amount of ammo, and have similar dps, one is just exotic and with marksman's sight can deal slightly more total damage tl;dr Exotic heavy weapons in D2 tend to be dps machines, or have very.... [i]exotic[/i] perks like Tractor Cannon and Colony; Queenbreaker has neither of those
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
(Laughs in Queenbreaker Bow) -
A crooked fang with box breathing and boss spec can almost match sleeper damage with about the same rof (considering you activate BB every shot)
hell no
The reasons I like them in the heavy slot is that they make for a good "all purpose" heavy and I can still carry a regular fusion. Initially I was like you, "why are Linear Fusions still heavy??" I said. However, with their RoF and mag size buffs, they make a formidable boss burner while still holding enough ammo to take down a pesky Hobgoblin or two. On the one hand I'd like them to be Energy weapons, but on the other hand I'm glad they are still heavy and carry the power that they do.
Gotta admit I didn't like the loadouts at first, but now I'm so accustomed to two primaries and a heavy I'm afraid the adjustment would be huge. In short, I love my liniear and love having it in the heavy slot.
-blam!-it make Sleeper an energy weapon too. It's been 4 years, when is this game gonna live up to its futuristic space magic sci-fi fantasy genre?
Yes and switch telesto to heavy and swords also to special slots
Made almost the same post a while back. Doubt it will have any traction.
I don't personally agree. I've used linear fusions and snipers a whole lot, even before 2.0, but a change to energy slot would basically make snipers irrelevant. Linear fusions are: Easier to aim, deal higher damage, are far cooler, tickle my pickle, and have better crucible style scopes. As a weapon that deals the damage they do, power is easily understandable. I don't want them nerfing all linear fusions just to get 4 weapons into the mix. Unless you are ok with a 50% decrease in aim assist, 40% decrease in damage or reverting the charge time back to how it was in year 1. Not worth it in my opinion, no matter how much I want it.
I think the main issue would be aim assist on the queen breakers but in crucible they would probably get shat on by shotties and good snipers so i dont see why not
It would be cancer trust me