Okay, so this is gonna be really, really long. And yes, some of these might be OP. But that’s just prepping for Forsaken. Please know that this is my opinion as well, so please don’t downvote because you disagree. If you disagree, I’m fine with that. I won’t argue in the comments, I just would like to hear what people think of this.
Well here we go...
Celestial Nighthawk:
Hold down the super activation buttons with the Gunslinger subclass equipped to activate a 6x damage Golden Gun that pierces through enemies and applies Melting Point. It will only come with one shot and is able to deal precision damage.
Wormhusk Crown:
Dodging will give a small bump to your health at the beginning and end of the dodge. Increased overall recovery (+2). (Hidden Perk: You leave a trail of Hive Soulfire behind you after dodging for a short time. This burns and blinds enemies).
Ophidia Spathe:
Any melee damage you deal applies burn damage to enemies. You gain two knives per melee charge and throwing knives apply melting point. Precision hits with throwing knives have a chance to recharge your melee.
All enemies are highlighted when ADS. Shooting an enemy will visually mark them, allowing you to see them through walls and deal more precision damage to them. Grants Enhanced Radar.
Lucky Pants:
One bullet in the magazine of a handcannon will deal increased damage. Grants the “Maverick” perk for all handcannons. (Hidden Perk: Increased handling speed on all handcannons.)
Mechaneer’s Tricksleeves:
Increased handling and reload speeds for all sidearms. Switching weapons grants increased weapon handling, accuracy, and stability for a short time.
Knucklehead Radar:
Increased radar detection range and an advanced HUD*. Grants the “Third Eye” perk on all weapons.
Sealed Ahamkara’s Grasps:
Dealing any ability damage will reload your equipped weapon and increase your movement speed. Grants two melee charges.
The Dragon’s Shadow:
Dodging grants increased weapon handling and movement speeds. Dodging will also reload all of your weapons and grant increased melee damage for a short time.
Graviton Forfeit:
Dodging grants no benefits but has a three second cooldown. Damage resistance and recovery are both increased while dodging.
Young Ahamkara’s Spine:
Grants two grenade charges with the Gunslinger subclass equipped. Increased tripmine grenade duration and damage.
The Sixth Coyote:
(Yeah, I know Forsaken isn’t out yet but it would probably need a buff). Grants two dodge charges. Dodging two times in a row will give you a small health boost and and turn you invisible for a short time*.
Actium War Rig:
All weapons are slowly reloaded from their reserves. Increased magazine sizes and ammo reserves for all weapons.
Grants two grenade charges. Increased chance of heavy ammo dropping. Heavy weapons can carry more ammo.
Crest of Alpha Lupi:
You can now shoot through your barricade. Upon barricade activation you gain a small boost to health and health regeneration is started. (Hidden Perks: Decreased time to revive teammates, all supers generate two extra orbs).
Increased sprint and strafe speed. Sprinting builds up an electrical charge that increases your melee damage and chains lightning to other enemies when you melee one of them.
Ashen Wake:
Fusion Grenades explode on impact and cause a small amount of burn damage. (Hidden Perk: Fusion Grenades deal more damage).
Helm of Saint-14:
Toggleable: Grants Weapons of Light when you or your teammates pass through your WoD. Grants Blessings of Light when you or your teammates pass through your WoD. Enemies that melee you are blinded for a short time.
Khepri’s Horn:
Solar ability kills charge your barricade and make it more resilient. While your barricade is active you gain increased melee speed, damage, and range. Sprinting for a short time allows you to head-butt-shoulder-charge-hybrid.
Doomfang Pauldrons:
Shield Bash melee kills recharge Shield Throw. Shield Throw kills increase the damage of your melee. Shield Bash hits increase the duration of your super. Melee ability kills recharge Sentinel Shield Super.
Hallowfire Heart:
While your super is charged and you have the Sunbreaker subclass equipped all abilities deal more damage and charge faster. You move and throw hammers much faster while HoS is active if you had all abilities recharged on activation.
All close range weapons slightly disorient enemies that they damage. All grenades will heavily flinch enemies damaged by them. (Hidden Perk: All SMGs have much higher handling speeds.)
Mask of The Quiet One:
Taking damage recharges all abilities. Void damage kills will give a small boost to health. When you are critically wounded getting a kill will regenerate you health.
Wormgod’s Caress:
Melee kills leave a pool of Hive Soulfire on the ground that heavily burns and blinds any enemies stepping in it. When you are standing in this Soulfire you gain increased melee and super damage.
Apotheosis Veil:
Upon activating your super your health is restored to full and you gain full grenade and melee energy. Getting at least one kill with your super will increase any type of elemental damage you deal.
Claws of Ahamkara:
Grants two melee charges. Dealing charges melee damage recharges your grenade and melee. Dealing weapon damage increases your lunge.
Crown of Tempests:
Arc damage kills increase the recharge rate of your Arc abilities, and extend the duration of your Super. Grants a lesser version of the perk “Ionic Blink”.
Eye of Another World:
Precision kills with any weapon have a small chance to cause an arc firefly explosion that blinds enemies. Decreased charge times for all abilities. Slightly better radar*.
Nezarec’s Sin:
Void damage kills reduce the cooldown of your abilities. Kills with your super reduce the time it takes to get a new one.
Sanguine Alchemy:
Killing any type of enemy has a chance to drop a sizable amount of legendary shards/bright dust. Higher glimmer capacity and chance to get good perks on randomly rolled weapons (actually works).
Skull of Dire Ahamkara:
You succumb to the Void for a short time upon casting a Nova Bomb, giving you high damage resistance, an overshield, and the ability to teleport rapidly.
Starfire Protocol:
You gain two fusion grenade charges. Fusion grenades are much more magnetic towards enemies and can stick to walls. When they stick to a wall they gain proximity detonation and a larger blast radius.
You gain two grenade charges with the Dawnblade subclass equipped. Getting a melee kill will recharge your grenade and give you infinite grenade energy for a short time.
Karnstein Armlets:
On a melee hit you gain a small amount of health (can be turned into overshield), and on kill you gain a large amount of health and a Vampiric hunger, increasing your movement speed and resilience.
Ophidian Aspects:
Increased weapon handling and reload speeds. All effects provided by charged melees last longer.
The Stag:
Upon Resurrection, you gain an overshield and much higher movement speed for a short time. When one of your teammates dies, you start health regeneration and automatically gain full rift energy.
Transversive Steps:
Increased sprint speed. Your strafe speed when ADS is greatly increased. Sprinting for a short time will allow you to teleport for a short time.
Verity’s Brow:
Being revived by a teammate creates a Hive smoke cloud at your location, similar to the one Hive Wizards can create. When you are near death and use a rift ability, you gain Hive powers until you start health regeneration.
Felwinter’s Guile:
Melee attacks will increase your melee damage and range for a short time (stacks up to x5, lasts for 10 seconds). While at the max tier of this, your melee ability charges much faster.
Vesper of Radius:
Placing your rift down will knock back and blind nearby enemies. All abilities chain deadly lightning with the Stormcaller subclass equipped.
Wings of Sacred Dawn:
ADSing while in the air will cause you to float midair and gain the ability to move around midair much quicker than normal while the Dawnblade subclass is equipped (causes two flaming wings to come out of your back and flap and stuff).
*Sixth Coyote: On the double dodge invisibility, if you are using Nightstalker top tree instead your first dodge charge gets regenerated and you turn invisible for a longer time than normal.
*Claws of Ahamkara: The weakening effect would not be at the level of Melting Point or Tether, but would still be pretty good.
*Eye of Another World: The slightly better Radar would have the ability to spot chests and planetary materials on patrol, and a tiny bit larger radar range.
*Verity’s Brow:
The Hive Magic makes all of your abilities have a green tint to them, have a larger radius/lunge, and your rift would be a cloud of smoke that the Hive Wizards can make but it wouldn’t affect you and it would also increase resilience while inside of it.
Please tell me if I missed any Asterisks, or if you have any ideas to improve this. Also, if you made it this far thank you!
[spoiler]quak quak quak[/spoiler]
A couple critiques after reading again:
I feel [u][b]Claws of Ahamkara[/b][/u] should be the "Warlock Synthoceps" allowing for comparable melee range. It would grant the two charges instead of the damage buff, and perhaps charged kills give more melee energy.
With the above in mind, [u][b]Ophidian Aspect[/b][/u]'s melee range could be replaced for more weapon buffs. Maybe dealing damage with one weapon fills the holstered, or increased mag size or stability or aim assist. Instead of having OA try to cover multiple bases, have it double down on the weapon buffing.
[u][b]Hallowfire Heart[/b][/u], to be truly good, needs both an in-super and out-of-super buff. Perhaps being Supercharged, only your grenade charges rapidly, but out of super your melee recharges a bit quicker and charged melee kills grant Super Energy.
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