[i]***Bear with me please, I need to write this is the form of a story. It'll be updated daily through August but the main aim is to get people to join the clan. Thanks for bearing with me.
Lastly: the clan can be joined here: [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2025513]Idanre Massive[/url]***[/I]
No. No. I won’t do it again, I won’t go there to that hopeless place where dreams die. Where you wish for death and it never comes. No, I’ll stay alive and fight whoever needs to be fought, whoever and whatever needs to be slain, I will bring my sword down upon their heads with vengeance. Curse the fools that tried to make me forget about my light. Curse the monsters that tried to make me forget about the fire that rages within.
In other news, I’m going to the tower to find recruits for our clan. We’re a small clan but we need to grow. Our founder says he had a conversation with a dragon and it showed him tantalising visions of the future. I don’t know if any of what he says is possible (especially the dragon bit, Zavala allegedly committed genocide on that front) but I’m going to ty to rally people for our cause. He told me that we need fighters of all sorts, shaped and colours. We need warriors of the blade, tongue, pen and body. On that last one he emphasised the need for dancers. I have one month to bring people to the clan. I don’t know what will happen after that but I will try my best to bring people to the tower. He instructed me to tell them to search for [url=https://idanremassive.wordpress.com]Idanre Massive[/url], that our [url=https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/idanremassive/]“hashtags”[/url] have been planted around the [url=https://twitter.com/IdanreMassive]“web”[/url] giving clues as to who we are and what we do. Fatima, I hope we succeed because it would be nice to have more people with us but those visions he spoke of. They are certainly grand.
Forever Yours,
Edited by sampmuj: 8/3/2018 3:22:18 PM[i]Day 3[/i] Fatima, I dance into today with nervousness and anticipation. The further from the Tower I get, the stronger this feeling becomes. This feeling that’s hard to describe; it’s like awakened knowledge of myself. I know or at least strongly feel that I am or have been a guardian across multiple timelines. My anxiety comes from the fact that I feel a desperate urgency to connect across all the timelines. Like my life depends on it, depends on growing into this form that I’m still learning about. Which flow should I use? Ekpe Flow? Ekpo Flow? Idanre Massive Flow? Fatima, are you listening? Can you hear me? NaijDragon Flow? Nigeria 2099 Flow? Kokoro FM Flow? Nigerians in Love Flow? Fatima, it’s difficult. I’m keeping my body ambulatory but the mind is struggling to catch up. While awakening the warming earlier today I was bombarded with thoughts and images of synthesis. Synthesis across universes and worlds. There was an urgent imperative to seek connections. To grow from these connections. To feed the flame. To grow the fire. The warming seems to think it is wise to go and dance in the Land of Naira. I received visions of what that might be like. I saw the good and the bad and now I’m simply paralysed. There is something to be mined over there but I need the right tools for the trade. If you happen to come across Ogun, help me tell him that I am in need of a weapon. A weapon that blasts across realities to build a bridge. No ordinary hammers and chisels will work here. Your Guardian, Yusuf
[i]Day 2[/i] Fatima, My dance is mournful this morning. I told my ghost to start my dance with Anthem by Kwesi Arthur, I then transitioned to Superflght (Feat. Marie Daulne) by Château Flight. The syncopated rhythms remind me of when I used to dance to Music for 18 Musicians years ago. I now wonder what became of that younger, delusional self. Dancing, as usual, gives me visions. I find myself propelled by an interesting spirit, driven to go forward and find what I’m being inspired to seek. It’s times like this that I am inclined to believe that the founder has been I contact with a dragon. Few things can bend space and time to create these visions and I’ve long since stopped believing that these are just follies of the mind. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I dance, the more I come to understand the founders seclusion. It is a complicated vision to articulate. I catch glimpses of it, ideas that appear too wild to be true but too real to be false. To intense. I’ve never actually been to Idanre but I’ve been told there are incredible treasures to uncover over there. When I dance I catch glimpses of an arcology, a great city nestled between and among beautiful rolling hills. “A Dragon found me in Idanre and didn’t let me go.” Those words came floating to me during one of my visions. I believe it is from the founder. Fati, can I tell you a secret? Sometimes I think this is all in my head; the clan, Idanre Massive, these visions, you. I’m not even sure about the founder I keep talking about. My greatest anxiety is that [i]I[/i] am the founder, this is my clan, but what does that mean? Have I met a dragon? Did it play with my mind? I worry sometimes but I know it is necessary for me to keep going. There will be a resolution somewhere. I hear on the airwaves that the portal on Io will be open in about a day for a few more days. It feels imperative that I get that gun. Something about whispers and worms or wyrms and dragons. It’s all very complicated but I’m trying to make sense of it. One way or another I will get that gun and we’ll see what happens next. Always Your Guardian, Yusuf