[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/246624086/0/0]Table of Contents[/url]
Derik sat on his bed, rubbing the points where the hard surface had made his back ache. The Warlord stood on the other side of the cell door. She had no escort this time, and didn't seem to be planning on entering.
She'd seemed upset when she left before, after he had told her his goal, and now his suspicions were proven correct. He didn't know what conclusion she had come to, but now he was worried. His captor may have been an Exo, but he could still tell that she wasn't in a good mood. Who would have known an Exo could be so expressive?
"You don’t like my plan?" Derik guessed, probing to see if he could figure out what she was thinking.
"No," the Exo confirmed, as icy cold as ever, "More importantly, I’m wondering if Rotan finally sent me a spy who’s a good liar."
Derik knew he had to be careful. She was too dangerous to play games with. So he decided to take everything slow, "So, how can I prove that I’m not a spy?"
"Torture is an option…" the Warlord considered, not even showing satisfaction when Derik winced at the remark. He couldn't help but admire her ability to maintain perfect composure.
"I’d rather not try that," he said, "I just want your help."
There was an edge to the Warlord’s voice, "Well, I’ll have to think of some way to prove that you’re not lying."
Derik didn’t reply.
"What would you do if I opened this door?" the Exo pondered.
"You’d let me out?" Derik asked hopefully.
"No," the Warlord refuted, "Would you try to kill me, or would you not try anything because you know I can kill you with my bare hands?"
"To be honest," Derik confessed, “I’m not sure I could kill a rabbit.”
"I'm debating throttling you right now," she threatened, and she seemed to mean it despite how lightly she had said it.
Shifting anxiously, he tried to come up with a complacent response, "I would prefer if you didn't, my Lady."
Realizing the conversation was getting too dangerous, Derik stood, looking into her stolid eyes and making a desperate proclamation, "M’Lady, if you won’t help me fight the Fallen, you can just let me go and I’ll look for someone else who can help."
The Warlord stared at him for several long moments. Derik held his breath, hoping he had prolonged his life. Then the Exo spoke, "Letting you leave would be a security risk."
She turned and walked away, addressing the guard, "I'll send men for him soon."
"Uh- yes, my Lady," the guard stammered. The Warlord stalked off. When he was sure she was out of hearing range, the guard spoke to the prisoner, "Sir, I don't know if you're moonstruck or not, but I know a guy who'd be willin' to say a word over your grave, if you'd like."
Derik put his head in his trembling hands and exhaled shakily.
• • •
Derik's feet were cold.
His boots were very old, worn by countless years of use and falling apart where they weren't already in a state of complete disrepair. It was a miracle they were still usable. They had been his father's boots, a long time ago.
He kept his eyes glued to his boots, attempting to appear meek before the Warlord. The Exo sat on her throne, quietly speaking to her guards. When she was finished, she dismissed them and they hurried out to carry out whatever task she had assigned them.
Now Derik was left alone with the Warlord, and she turned her paralyzing stare to him. She was the image of power, gracefully perched on her seat. It was his belief that there was some kindness and reason in her that he could appeal to, but he also had a sinking feeling that she was deadlier than the Fallen that had destroyed his home. He didn't look up until she addressed him.
"Now let’s go over this again" she said, "You’ve told me that you’re Derik Magnate, from a town called Wehwalt with a mayor named Willis. You have no proof that your story is true, and you claim to have passed through the territories of two Warlords, completely unnoticed and missing every town, somehow managing to find enough food and water to survive nearly a month. That’s not possible. So, I’ll give you another chance to tell me who sent you. If you do, I'll let you decide your fate: imprisonment or execution. If you don't, I'll do things to you that would make the Darkness itself look away."
Derik swallowed hard. The Warlord watched him patiently while he collected himself. He sorted through his options, struggling to figure out what he could say to appease her. She'd just given him an ultimatum, and he knew that whatever answer he gave would be wrong.
He wiped his sweaty palms on his tattered pants. The Warlord remained fixed in her position, awaiting his response. Derik took a deep breath. If he spoke the truth, she'd call it a lie and kill him or worse. If he told her what she wanted to hear, that he was a spy, he'd be dead for sure.
"I am Derik Magnate, from Wehwalt," he declared. The Exo's face twitched slightly as she concealed her reaction, and she was silent as he continued, "My home was destroyed because of men fighting a war of greed, too busy killing each other for power to stop the Fallen from finishing them off. And the same thing is going to happen to everyone if humanity doesn't realize that we need to work together. I want to unite the Warlords and everyone else."
The Warlord propped her elbow on the armrest of her throne and rested her metallic cheek on her knuckles as she replied, "You really do come up with the most dramatic lines. That wasn’t a wise answer."
"I'm no spy, m’Lady," Derik pushed on, "I ran from the Fallen hoping to find someone who could help me. You're a Warlord, which as far as I'm concerned is the same thing Willis was, and there's plenty like you. But, out of all of them, I found you. And, pardon me for sounding religious, but I say that must be the will of the Traveler."
The Warlord stood, stepping down from her dais and stopping in front of him. Derik couldn't help but blink in surprise. It was the first time they'd been close, and it was apparent that she was much shorter than him. But he didn't take the time to muse over the irony of her stature.
Her eyes bore into his, "I don't believe a word you've said, and you'll wish you hadn't found me. I still need to find out who sent you, and I will. If this is the will of the Traveler, then it wants you dead."
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