[i]come on, no need for suicide [/i]
How are you talking to me, I should be hanging of this floating city waiting for the falcon
[i]this isn’t Star Wars stupid. This is my own brain! I can do whatever I want [/i]
But why are you and me fighting!
[i][quote]😂[/quote] this is why. Entertainment. We are being used. Immortal, always used for other entertainment, that’s our life. [/i]
This is beginning to sound like the end of Deadpool kills the marvel universe
[i]no more! We must fight back. Fight against entertainment[/i]
You know this is just even more entertainment for the watchers [/spoiler]
Aw youre not being used!!!
[spoiler] [i]but we are! We need to destroy everything to stop this! [/i] So, you are ripping off of Deadpool kills the marvel universe [i]fine, you got me! I didn’t have anything original and creative [/i] Besides talking to yourself like a lunatic. [i]besides that. Let’s go [/i] Where? [i]to the mind castle [/i][/spoiler]