And who's "you people"? That's a pretty broad brush stroke your using .[/quote]People that lose their freaking minds because a fictional character is gay, or trans, or non-white. It's just as stupid as the people that called Kingdom Come: Deliverance "racist" because it didn't have any black characters in it.
edit - apparently the OP cared enough to complain about it.
[quote][quote] And who's "you people"? That's a pretty broad brush stroke your using .[/quote]People that lose their freaking minds because a fictional character is gay, or trans, or non-white. It's just as stupid as the people that called Kingdom Come: Deliverance "racist" because it didn't have any black characters in it. edit - apparently the OP cared enough to complain about it.[/quote] I didn't see anyone in the thread "lose their freakin minds" about ana being a gay, I saw people highlighting the missed opportunity to expand upon ana/Rasputin/zavala story?