It wasn't "heard everywhere" other than in this forum... you literally had to go digging for it (aka: read a comic that's NOT in the game) in order to even know that she's gay.
You have to go there to get any lore in the first place. That's my point. The only real lore about Ana is in that comic, and all that comic talks about is how she's gay. Wow, very interesting. (sarcasm) I have nothing against gay people, I just don't really care about someone being gay if I know nothing else about them. Being gay alone isn't enough to count as proper character development, and that's why I find it kind of stupid.
Did you read the comic? Her sexuality is not the focal point.
I skimmed it. That's enough to get a general idea about it. From what I could tell, that was a good portion of the comic. It just seems like that's all there is to know about her from the comics. It doesn't tell much other than that.
[quote]I skimmed it.[/quote] Ok. We can continue this conversation after you actually read it.
I don't need to read the comic to get the story. There are pictures for a reason. Look, I'm not even really arguing anything. You dragged me into this argument when I was only trying to explain to the one guy what the OP was saying. I didn't have any plans to get deep into this argument. It's boring, and clearly you don't understand my point. I have no reason to keep this going when you insist on defending this horrible excuse for "lore". I want to say one more time that I'm not a homophobe. I even have a gay friend (yes, just a friend) who I know pretty well. I don't need you or anyone else trying to accuse me of being a homophobe. The only reason I don't like the Ana Bray lore is because it's not important lore. It feels like they're trying to replace lore with simple statements about sexuality. That's all I'm not happy with. Well, I know you won't leave me alone unless I do this. I'm sorry I have to. Muted.
Oh... and... “I even have a gay friend” is probably the most laughable “I’m not a homophobe” excuse that I’ve heard literally a bazillion times. And yeah, I kept reading... but, luckily, you’ve muted me so you’ll never know ;) I’ll see you on Grindr, boo ;)
And I won’t continue reading your paragraphs upon paragraphs until you read the story.
Only reason I knew about it was cos all the homophobes were up in arms about it 😂