The 2 web comics spend some time showing her relationship with another woman. It's not a straight couple, so jimmies are therefor rustled and some peeps can't stop obsessing about it and coming up with reasons for why they think it's not okay.
It does nothing to advance the plot or world. Who she fux does nothing to advance world building plot or character. That's the point.
The purpose it serves is to tell fans that are LGBTQ that they are welcome in the Destiny community and universe.
Do they (we) need told it's ok to play??? Are u for real?? As a bi male, I've NEVER wondered if it's ok to play a game.. wtf?? Oh I'm sorry, I should make sure there's a queer couple before I pre order.. Get the..
It's not even IN the game. Hello? Are you guys listening? There's no rule that everything in the game has to ADVANCE the world or your character. Do random lore scannables about things like abandoned junk left by Fallen advance the world or add to the plot? Who are you to say that Ana's relationship doesn't add as much character background as any other story about any other NPC?
Sorry, I was being facetious. I’ll take a day off work tomorrow to worry over her ‘issue’.
Is that what kids are calling that these days? "Worrying"?
Touché, I hadn’t actually thought of my facetiousness being interpreted in that way by some.