I'm far less bothered about Ana Bray being a lesbian and far more concerned with the fact that she was declared "dead as a mother-blam-er" in Destiny 1.
Was she?? When and where? (I'm a lore nerd so I'm genuinely curious)
A quote from Lakshmi-2 on the final step of the No Time To Explain quest from Destiny 1 (after you have recovered both the bracelet of Ana Bray and the ring of Pujari through the various step quests): ""And now ... what? A ring, with the symbol of the Warlock Pujari? Death, again. Like Ana Bray, a Guardian fallen to the second death. Lost to us. We shall study these objects, Guardian. Learn why they have been pulled through time..."
This quote doesn't officially declare her dead. Lakshmi was speculating. Ana was rumored to be dead, and a lot of people believed she was, but there was never any proof.
A bit of a stretch, Guardian, but I suppose I can admit that there's juuuuust enough ambiguity for some wiggle room. I admit that I read it differently, though. I read it as "This ring is from the Warlock Pujari, who has died the second death like Ana Bray did. They are lost to us."
Edited by gizzamaluke: 7/12/2018 6:13:58 PMEven if you read it that way, it doesn't change the fact that Lakshmi made this statement based on an unsubstantiated declaration of Ana's death... if I recall the rumors from the lore correctly, Ana was [i]presumed[/i] dead because no one ever saw her again. Lakshmi would, of course, speak as if those presumptions were true, because that's what the general public believed... but that doesn't necessarily make it true. [quote]After the Collapse, Ana was revived by a Ghost named Jinju. Unlike most Guardians, Ana had knowledge about her past life due to a Clovis Bray ID she was wearing upon her revival. She became a hero of the Last City, but disappeared after the Battle of Twilight Gap, with many [i]believing[/i] her dead, in order to investigate her past.[/quote] Lakshmi isn't all-knowing :)
Well, as a long time FWC main, perhaps I'm biased to that wonderful exo and her hypnotic voice. :D
No time to explain
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